View Full Version : Just been prescribed Citalopram. Advice?

10-04-14, 12:25
So I feel like right now I am in a never ending cycle of anxiety. 24/7 for the past 2 weeks. My physiatrist gave me some information on SSRIs and told me to think about them. Today my doctor has prescribed me Citalopram (10mg) and to see how I get on with it.

Will this help? How bad are side effects and how long do they last? I know I could ask the doctor but would like to hear from people that have taken/are taking it themselves.

I am also on propranolol (20mg)

Thank you

10-04-14, 13:54
There's a good post on here called the citalopram survival guide. I started on 10 then 20 after 2 weeks. The side effects were tolerable and I started to feel very positive. However, the moment I went down with a virus all the HA and fears came back, along with my tummy problems. I'm about week 6 and everyone on here says it takes a while for them to have a real effect, including my GP. Hopefully this is just a blip and I'll start feeling good again when this horrid virus goes. My main problem is health anxiety ( of the avoidance, bury my head in the sand, variety as I am very medical phobic) and I find it really hard to accept that it's something minor! I've found people on here really helpful. Good luck and I hope you begin to see some benefit. X

10-04-14, 19:16
Yes, advice, once you get on the train theres no coming off soon, so if ur life is not threatened or something throw the pills and get back to life. . Sorry for the negative answer i just dont like seing more n more people on drugs

10-04-14, 22:27
Be patient with Cit, Choco - it takes a while to feel better perhaps upto 2 months.

Hope you feel better soon

11-04-14, 08:21
I had been on Citalopram for 4 years, It helped me dramatically, I felt human again, normal I guess is the word I want to use. It was great for me it definitely helped me achieve my masters degree. What helped me is to find an activity that will distract your mind, It was crazy because I too suffered horribly from anxiety which then caused depression. I kept repeating thoughts in my head, these thoughts caused the anxiety and then the depression. But it wasn't until I got my internship that I cared soo much about doing good in the internship that the thought of what was causing my anxiety started to disappear. I was starting to focus all my attention to my physical tasks that I had to do at the job, and then like a miracle the repeating thoughts that were causing my anxiety disappeared. I was on Cit (40mg) also at the time. Working out helps too, I know its hard to do when we feel like shit, but if you can push yourself to go for a jog you will feel a little bit better.

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Side effects lasted about a week maybe 2, then they went away, I also upped my dose from 10 to 20 then 30 then finally 40.

13-04-14, 08:57
The side effects for me, where nothing compared to what I've read in forums.. I was really scared to take them, I'm sorry for saying this but I beleive a whole bunch of people on the internet truly exaggerate the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of citalopram. My eyes did not roll out of their sockets, I had no seizures, no suicidal thoughts, no nausea. Maybe some really few unlucky people get bad side effects, but we get no info on positive experience cause those folks are feeling better now, and out there living life. Unicorns, happiness and barbecues and stuff.. nah... but.. It does work, and It helps, ALOT.