View Full Version : just want to clairfy something re.sinus

10-04-14, 13:54
Well as everyone should know by now i have a ridiculous fear of brain aneurysms. This morning I woke up with a pain above my eyebrow which equals an aneurysm.

I got upset and worried all morning but now im coming to my senses a little bit and wondering if it could be sinus. Before I google and scare myself is it with sinus issues that when you bend your head down it hurts? Because i bent down to pick something up and my eyebrow started hurting again.

I know this is a stupid question but I dont want to google and find out! I also have a sniffly nose which has started running a bit, and a throat full of mucus that I keep having to try and clear it. Stopped me sleeping well last night.

One day (if i dont die) its my goal to never think of a flaming aneurysm again. But for now convincing this isn't an unruptured aneurysm for the time being will do :')

10-04-14, 14:21
I have the same worries when it come to aneurysms. So annoying because of the range of different things we feel in our heads that are completely harmless. But anyhoo to answer your question; yes sounds like a sinus headache. They can cause pain and tenderness on the face/head and can hurt more when moving/bending over. Nothing to worry about!

10-04-14, 14:34
Ah thankyou. I thought so but couldn't remember if I'd read it wrong or not.

I've had a million and one fears over a million different things but this is the one fear that has not (and beginning to accept never will) gone away.

I'm not sure what it is about aneurysms. I think its the suddeness, they can happen at any time so I feel like I have to be constantly 'on guard'. I know that sounds mad as there's nothing I can do but every time I get a pain above or behind my eye, or my neck or in my head it sends me into a blind panic.

And now I'm getting pain on one side of my head. I struggle with this day in day out and its horrendous.

10-04-14, 17:17
Honestly, sinus problems happen ALL the time, whilst an aneurysm isn't likely at all! Even when it's not the sinuses, head pains are so common because of all the muscle tension up there. Sinus pain can be extremely painful, so you really have no reason to worry :)

The best thing to think is - if I ever got an aneurysm, I'd be taken care of, and if I died I'd never even know, so I'll just enjoy my life! )

10-04-14, 17:33
Sounds like your sinuses, especially if you are full of mucus. Try putting your head over a bowl of hot water, with a towel over your head, and inhaling the steam. Olbas oil is good too and so is Tiger Balm white. Hope you feel better soon x