View Full Version : mirena coil

10-04-14, 15:15
has anyone had this fitted and do they have any side effects,

have been offered this, or an endometrial ablation, due to menstrual problems

not keen on either, but doing nothing is not really an option,

this is really stressing me out and making my anxiety worse


10-04-14, 15:28
Hi i had the mirena coil for a few years and had no problems with it at all, it stopped my periods altogether, the only downside was it was quite uncomfortable and painful having it fitted x x

10-04-14, 15:35
not so much worried about the fitting of it,

just the mountain of side effect and awful stories i have read about it :(

Catherine S
10-04-14, 19:44
The problem is that everybody is different, some have no problems and others do, so nobody can really make the decision for you unfortunately. I had it for 18 months but reacted badly to the progesterone it releases which made me feel spaced out, but then so did taking Noresthisterone which is oral progesterone so I'm obviously sensitive to this hormone, but other women are fine with it, so best thing is maybe try it and see. It stopped the heavy bleeding though so it worked in that way, and they never came back after I had the mirena removed which surprised me. This was in my late 40s and a year later I hit the menopause.

19-04-14, 23:32
I've been on it for bleeding issues due to fibroids for nearly 4 months. Unfortunately I'm still bleeding & have broken out in acne. Will give it a couple more months before having it out and trying something else, ablation? As has been said, it works for some and not others. You won't know until you try....