View Full Version : panic everyday

10-04-14, 15:39
hi in a new old member i had cbt and got better but now i have started panicking every day for the past 3wks n i cant get to see anyone,gp,or therapist! I have diazepam but in taking more than i should! :( anyone have any tips to stop this happening every day?
thanks in advance.

10-04-14, 16:26
Hi Really sorry you are back in the zone, like many on here,me included we do seem to have remmisions and then we seem to slip back, can you pin it down to anything in perticular or is It just a return of general anxiety.
At least you have reconised the fact that you need help before It spirals.
Why can't you get to see a doctor get.

10-04-14, 16:57
Welcome to NMP :)
Try this online course it is very good and is free http://ct-online-info.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fct-online-info.com%2F&reauth=1
It really helped me a lot.

11-04-14, 17:20
I'm right there with you, been there several months.
I know it's hard. Try to stay in the moment and really engage yourself to the point that you can forget about the anticipation.

This will pass, it may take more time than youd like but believe and have faith it will.