View Full Version : Pending surgery for gerd /acid reflux ....scared

10-04-14, 16:18
Hi guys,

I have recently had endoscopy,manometry and ph acid testing due to long term acid reflux. I have esophagitis and a small hiatus hernia. Was on omeprazole but stopped for a few months and now the gastroenterology has advised that I should have surgery to create a new sphincter muscle in my lower esophagus.

I am scared of surgery,the risk of dying and complications petrified me!

I don't know if it's best to just try more dietary changes and lose weight and see if it improves before going for surgery( though this thought comes mainly from me been scared.)

If any one has had nissen fundoplication surgery or any surgery and faced it with the same level as anxiousness as me I'd appreciate your advice.

I am still waiting for the first consultation with the surgeon and am already working myself up!

I know this May help to alleviate my symptoms and make my standard of living better but the fear of surgery makes me doubt the operation. On the other hand I am scared that left untreated the consequences could be pre cancerous cells forming.

Any advice or kind words of support would be appreciated.


10-04-14, 17:10
My husband had this 10 years ago. He didn't have the usual hiatus hernia/acid reflux effects, he had a lot of difficulty swallowing and food would get stuck. Unfortunately it has now failed and he will probably have to have it done again. He is seeing the consultant in May. He had it done by keyhole surgery. He doesn't worry at all about medical procedures and is having another total knee replacement on Monday. I, on the other hand, am terrified of anything medical and really should have an endoscopy for my own stomach issues so I understand completely how you feel. The only effect he had following the surgery was that he found it difficult to eat much in the evening as he would feel full very quickly. From what I understand they use part of your stomach to fashion a new valve so your stomach is smaller. It was certainly much better than having food get stuck and choking and he didn't need ppi's to control the acid. Whatever you decide I hope your problem is sorted soon. X

I'm guessing you're from Coventry, which is also his home town!

11-04-14, 08:20
Thanks for the reply,I am more worried about the surgery itself to be honest,the side effects I guess I can just deal with! I just have a fear of surgery!

I seem to be spending all my days google searching everything to do with this operation! I know the Mortality rates are less than 1-100 but I still worry I will be that 1?

I am from coventry! Did he have his in the old coventry hospital then?

11-04-14, 15:42
Hi, no, he had his done down here in Bournemouth. He moved here over 30 years ago, though his Mum still lives in Coventry. I really feel for you as I am absolutely terrified of anything medical. It is a common and straight forward procedure so I'm sure you'll be fine. Of course, when you see the consultant he may decide you don't need it anyway! X

11-04-14, 15:58
Hi Mike,

It's totally understandable to be anxious before a surgical procedure. I've had many and it's just not as fun as sex ;)

Here's the thing. In every case, I got some relaxation juice an hour or two before and I couldn't have cared less if I was stripped naked and put on public display! ~lol~ I don't quite recall but I seem to remember telling one of the nurses I was in love with her before my heart surgery.....

Ask for the drugs...you'll be fine ;)

Positive thoughts