View Full Version : Strong IBS attack on holiday - keep worrying it's Appendicitis

10-04-14, 16:59
Hey everybody,

It's been a long time since I've been on here to be honest. I have IBS and when I first got it, the pains would often be in the low-right part of my abdomen and in the centre, so I'd always be convinced I had appendicitis and get a bit panicked.

Thing is, everybody I've spoken to has said that appendicitis is SEETHING pain, everybody who has had it says "pain unlike I've ever felt", whereas my low-right pain isn't really all that bad at all. BUT, I can't seem to convince myself that it's not about to BECOME that bad and soonish.

I thought I was over this worry, because I always just told myself "if it gets severely painful then head to A&E and they'll sort it out", and I've always been fine because of it. Unfortunately right now I'm having a pretty bad flare-up whilst on holiday in Cardiff, and I'm heading home tomorrow (girlfriend is driving). It's an 80 minute drive home which shouldn't be too bad (if I don't end up pooping myself!), but right now due to my flare-up and the low-right pain thing, I keep picturing myself ending up in an A&E in Wales, with my time in the hotel having run out and nowhere for my girlfriend to be. Just like that, the anxiety is back, and it has the unfortunate effect of making the symptoms worse, which make the anxiety worse, and the cycle begins.

So I guess I'm looking for some reassurance from people. I don't really want to call the NHS or go to A&E, since I'll be home by this time tomorrow. Here's what I'm reminding myself:

Appendicitis is supposedly AGONY, I'm in moderate pain
It doesn't particularly hurt when I press on it
My low right isn't even hurting the whole time, only when I cough or strain
It's been over 24 hours since I started feeling the pain this time, it's a long flare-up but in almost all cases of Appendicitis, the pain is alarmingly intense within a few hours
I don't (think I) have a fever
If I had appendicitis, I doubt I'd be able to type this

But I still don't seem to be able to calm the anxiety down. I read here and there that appendicitis doesn't always present itself the same way, and it can be a little different, but surely I should be used to getting these pains and it not being appendicitis by now. Like I mentioned before, I'd not even be worrying unless it became severe/agony if I was at home, but due to being away it's really getting to me.

Any help?

10-04-14, 17:35
With appendicitis the pain in the right side is usually severe ad constant. Another symptom is feeling sick and vomiting.
It is quite likely to be anxiety related especially with you being away from home. If the pain does get severe though it will be best to get it checked out, whilst it is only moderate pain then I wouldn't be too worried.

10-04-14, 18:05
Thank you Annie. It helps to hear somebody else say it :)

10-04-14, 20:36
my hubby had his appendix removed 2 months ago. he has a high pain threshold and yet was hunched over the steering wheel of the car unable to move. when he went to a &e... they touched the area and he actually screamed in pain. he said he's never felt anything like it. came on within a couple of hours, getting worse quickly.

11-04-14, 09:51
Thanks, hangingbasket. The more of this I hear, the more it helps. It's been about 36 hours now and it's not gotten worse. I keep reminding myself that appendicitis would be intense, severe agony, the fear I can't shake is that I might soon end up in agony after it having bubbled away for a bit. But that doesn't really happen does it?