View Full Version : Racing heart and pain

10-04-14, 17:32
Hi I am so scared I have been having awful racing heart and every now and then I get pain under my left breast and my chest aches. I have had anxiety especially health related for. 8 years I have had chest x rays, ecg's scans and echo portable monitor. All was ok apart from odd ectopics the cardiologist said I was ok even though I read something about a valve thingy but he and another cardiologist said its fine and everyone's are different. I am so scared that this racing heart and pains are something bad with my heart. I had a hysterectomy in December and I am worried the stress of the operation has damaged my heart. My gp's are fed up with me as they say I have had every test available and even if they opened my chest I would still worry. They say its all anxiety but would these symptoms really be anxiety. Sometimes I feel all heady too. I just want some reassurance please