View Full Version : Parasites and Anxiety, IBS, Tingling...

10-04-14, 18:54
Hi Everyone,

For the last longest time I have been suffering from many many unexplained symptoms. IBS, anxiety, tingling, foggy brain to name a few but there are many more. Just on a whim I was telling one of my friends who suggested I do a colon cleanse, then a parasite cleanse then a candida cleanse.
My anxiety felt chemical. I felt like it all just wasn't in my head. So I did the colon cleanse and nothing much happened but I had more energy. HOWEVER when I got to the parasite cleanse.... turns out I have had parasites!!!!!!!
gRoss I know but it explains why I thought I was going crazy and the doctors did a test but it came back negative. Turns out there are only tests done for a few parasites when in reality there are more than 150,000 kinds. I still have a long way to go but this explains so much. You will have to change your diet but I am telling you it is worth it. I am starting to feel better!!! My stomach issues are much better and so is my anxiety. Anyhow apparently 85% of americans have parasites and they don't even know it.