View Full Version : Struggling with anxiety

10-04-14, 22:20
Hi Everyone, I hope you're all well :) this is my first thread so I'm a little nervous.

I've been having some really bad days over the last few weeks. I suffer from GAD, OCD and depression.

Im really struggling to control my anxiety due to certain recent events. Iv'e had CBT and I'm currently taking sertraline but I'm on waiting lists for other therapy and counselling, possibly more CBT. I feel Im getting worse/going backwards and knowone cares or understands how difficult it is for me.

I don't get out much and have only 1 friend, ( I have social anxiety issues ) today I had an anger outburst which is never normally me, I was slamming doors. My anxiety is starting to affect my family, they are becoming stressed.

I feel very sorry for them that they have to deal with me, they deserve someone better than me.

Does anyone else feel similar ?, any replies would be appreciated and thanks so much for reading :)

11-04-14, 02:05
I've got a few of those t-shirts RJI92!

When you are so overwhelmed by anxiety, you can flip at people...I've had some right go's at my dad at times. Make a non anxious person nervous, then keep prodding them again and again and they snap. The trouble is with anxiery disorders is that you are already at the point a lot of the time.

The guilt it the natural process, otherwise you wouldn't be a very nice person, but try to keep it in perspective. It can help to discuss it and get an apology in as it can give closure.

Have you tried Mindfulness meditation? It can really help. It certainly helps with OCD, it has with mine.

11-04-14, 15:50
Thanks Terry :), I'm seeing my consultant soon so I'll have a talk with them to see if mindfulness may help me. I've apologised to my family and they understand its my anxiety, not me.

12-04-14, 03:00
Thats good, closure can be important in moving on.

Your therapist should have some sources for Mindfulness. There are plenty about. Jon Kabat-Zinn & Professor Mark Williams are also good. Mark Williams can be found on BeMindful and he's got a couple of books out on the method he co-created at Oxford Uni called MBCT which CBT blended with Mindfulness. Jon Kabat-Zinn created MBSR which preceded it.

12-04-14, 08:15
Hello RJI92

Welcome to this site. It's where I come when I feel that nobody else understands how I feel, because here you are not alone :)

I'm irritable when I'm feeling particularly horrendous, and I snap at the slightest things, which makes me feel guilty afterwards. As my husband is making a real effort to change, this made me feel worse. Now I try to apologise as quickly as possible, without making excuses. I've told him that I won't use my problems with anxiety and depression as a reason to behave badly to other people, including himself. I think people are more patient with you when you are making an effort to tackle your issues, as you obviously are.

You might want to share any information that you have on anxiety with your family. If they understand what is happening to you, it might make it easier for them to cope with it.

12-04-14, 09:01
Hi RJ192,

Welcome! I'm a newbie too and found this forum a great resource; hope you find it helpful too. : )

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. It's wonderful that you have a supportive family who seem to understand what you are going through. My family is coming to terms with my anxiety. They will hear me verbalise things like 'my chest is tight' or 'my heart is pounding' and they take these cues as me feeling and accepting the sensations. This is a new experience for us all and it's only through communicating that we can all deal with, and hopefully, move on from this.

I hope you still don't mean that 'they deserve better than me'. Despite anxiety I'm sure that they wouldn't want to change you for the World. :hugs:

CC x

12-04-14, 20:42
Hello RJI92

Welcome to this site. It's where I come when I feel that nobody else understands how I feel, because here you are not alone :)

I'm irritable when I'm feeling particularly horrendous, and I snap at the slightest things, which makes me feel guilty afterwards. As my husband is making a real effort to change, this made me feel worse. Now I try to apologise as quickly as possible, without making excuses. I've told him that I won't use my problems with anxiety and depression as a reason to behave badly to other people, including himself. I think people are more patient with you when you are making an effort to tackle your issues, as you obviously are.

You might want to share any information that you have on anxiety with your family. If they understand what is happening to you, it might make it easier for them to cope with it.

Thank you :), after I had my anger outburst a few days ago, I also felt guilty and I was constantly apologising to my family for hours. I've explained to them my anxiety and feelings :) they mostly understand and try not to make me feel stressed by not asking too much of me at the moment.

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

Hi RJ192,

Welcome! I'm a newbie too and found this forum a great resource; hope you find it helpful too. : )

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. It's wonderful that you have a supportive family who seem to understand what you are going through. My family is coming to terms with my anxiety. They will hear me verbalise things like 'my chest is tight' or 'my heart is pounding' and they take these cues as me feeling and accepting the sensations. This is a new experience for us all and it's only through communicating that we can all deal with, and hopefully, move on from this.

I hope you still don't mean that 'they deserve better than me'. Despite anxiety I'm sure that they wouldn't want to change you for the World. :hugs:

CC x

Thanks :), Im very grateful that my family are supportive but sometimes I feel guilty as I worry how they cope with me. I just need to try and keep positive but its really difficult sometimes. Im finding NMP a great help :D

Sometimes I am critical of myself :doh:, its like I have a critical side in my mind and it wont go away :doh:. I learnt from CBT to do something like a hobby to stop these thought but it can be tough as then I start to believe my critical thoughts.