View Full Version : My OCD fears continue

11-04-14, 00:00
*I went on a night out, stood near poo with my feet none really hit my feet from what I could see but I worried it was still there or I still contacted it..the shoes were placed next to a new duvet in a plastic cover in my cupboard and I now refuse to use the duvet.

*Still throwing away toothbrushes.

*If I wash my hands at the sink I rewash if the toilet seat is up incase any water or germs come near.

*I fear the smell of bleach or if I touch any at work as they sell it in my work.

*I accidently put my hands in my pocket after going to the toilet so I now feel my phone is forever going to have urine traces on it. I threw the phone case away.

My biggest contamination fears are poo or urine.

11-04-14, 00:03
What are you doing about it then?

11-04-14, 00:19
Are you receiving therapy for this?

11-04-14, 10:32
Can completely relate to this. Can't give you any advice as I'm also currently stuck in this irrational thinking but yeah just to say - me too!

28-07-14, 23:20
I just thew away more underwear and joggers today as I woke up with a poo mark when I wiped It was just a mark like I wasn't 100% clean I've started buying cheap joggers and maybe underwear so I can be less guilty about throwing away but that might not be the ideal solution.

29-07-14, 14:42
And is that going to help you in the long run Phil

30-07-14, 02:51
And is that going to help you in the long run Phil

What can I do about it?

30-07-14, 14:20
You've done all the CBT and things haven't you? You should have some ideas?

You know that you have to gradually expose yourself to these things more and more so that you get used to them, and that avoiding them makes it worse.