View Full Version : scared to sleep

11-04-14, 04:24
ok so last night I had a bad dream and its made me feel ill in a way thinking about it very very weird dream it was

so now im worried about having the same dream again can you have the same dream again this is worrying me ??

11-04-14, 05:22
We have no real control over our dreams. It's just how our subconscious processes the various issues of the day.

I've had some very vivid and very weird ones, it's common in anxiety & depression sufferes as well as a side effect of anti depressants.

Try not to worry about it, it's unlikely that you will have it again.

11-04-14, 09:50
I may sound completely bonkers but I actually started to enjoy my nightmares. As you say Terry, it is just the subconscious trying to work out 'stuff' and SE's but I started to see strange connections in mine. When I would jolt upright at night and would be so on edge I couldn't get back to sleep, I would write them down in my journal and maybe draw the images.

Over a few weeks I started to see these dreams as things not to fear but to embrace and nurture. Visualisation techniques were very helpful to bypass the fear.

There were so many gross ones and the most tame example is of an awful dream of two native American men. One strong and upright with his arm extended out like a barrier for me to halt; the other man was on a leash and was like a rabid animal, snarling, with a disfigured face ready to pounce at me. Over time with visualisation I started to go towards the men and over a few days I was able to actually go to the leashed man and stroke the top of his head. Once I did this, it was the beginning of me slowly accepting and releasing fear not only with dreams, but with everything else in my life. Since taking this approach I haven't had any bad dreams.

Good luck Terror-X!!