View Full Version : So glad I found this place

11-04-14, 13:15
My name is Linda and I've suffered with panic and anxiety for about 6 or 7 years now. I was on Celexa for a few years, but weaned myself off because, truthfully, I wanted to see if I could get through life without drugs. And I did fairly well for a few years, with the exception of the occasional anxiety attack. I'm still prescribed Ativan, which helps with those "oh crap" moments.

But the reason I'm here today is because last night was one of the weirdest and scariest nights I can ever remember having. I got up this morning searching for someone, anyone, who has experienced the same thing I did and found this site. And I'm so glad I did. Since I'm a newbie I can't post links in threads yet, but my post and what I was searching for is in the Health Anxiety forum under "Woke up thinking I was dying..."

Thanks for viewing my comments. Be well.

11-04-14, 14:15
Welcome to the site :-]

11-04-14, 14:50
Thank you :)

12-04-14, 18:24
Hi, Linda! :welcome: I felt the same way when the wording of my google search somehow revealed a link to a thread that had been posted on NMP! No idea it was here, and I am slowly learning more about what I have experienced all these years that stemmed from anxiety, and how many people have experienced the same! It took me a bit of time to learn to navigate around, and since then I have been reassured and learned so much! This site is AMAZING! Love it, and the members on it. From Natural Remedies to Panic break games, to the chat room (5 day delay for access) to member threads on different medications and therapies, there is so much support and fellowship. Glad you found it too, welcome aboard :bighug1: Lol!

12-04-14, 18:29
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-04-14, 12:38
Thanks so much :)