View Full Version : Need some tips - wedding day approaching and my anxiety levels are sky high!

11-04-14, 13:43
Hi All,

Urgh is all I have to say... I am really struggling :(

I went swimming this morning and felt really good however as soon as I get out the pool I start to worry myself and think im going to faint etc... For some reason my chest feels really tight this afternoon and I seem to be getting quite out of breath... All of my dizziness seems to be coming from my neck as the more tense my neck feels the worse the dizziness is...

I have also just been to Asda and had a bloodie panic attack which is just frustrating and not very pleasant as I felt I was really improving with the therapy I am receiving.

I need some help and tips though from you guys - I am getting married a week tomorrow on the 19th April - then going to New York on the 20th April. I am so excited but also petrified that im going to have a panic attack or that my anxiety will ruin my day as well as my Honeymoon :( I don't know what to do about it basically...

11-04-14, 14:08
Did you try to suggestions we made in your last thread about this? I suggested kalms. Chamomile tea is really good. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing will help. You could talk to your dr. I'm not sure whether they would give you them but diazapam are given for short term episodes.

11-04-14, 14:53
I got married last year and I was SOOOO anxious the weeks leading up to the big day ... but for some reason, the day of I was not at all! Nor for our honeymoon, which also included flying across the Atlantic lol I think you will be fine and those are all good suggestions from mummyanxious. Just know that what you are going through is sooo normal and you will get through it. Congratulations :) I can't believe it's been almost a year since I wrote the same thing!

11-04-14, 15:37
Thanks guys - yes Mummyanxious I took night calms the other night but they made me feel rather peculiar so avoided taking them again I have also tried chamomile tea but that hasn't helped either :(

11-04-14, 15:41
It's suggested 4 bags a day of chamomile As it has a cumulative effect.
My nerves disappeared the week before and I enjoyed my honeymoon which involved flying and I hadn't flown for 20 years and I loved it! Even sat next to the window so I could look out!

11-04-14, 20:56
i found Rescue Remedy helped me a lot. I was the same swgrl09 above - petrified on the days leading up to the wedding, but calm as anything on the day - more calm then my husband even, who doesn't suffer from anxiety! i think you will be fine.