View Full Version : Gurgling stomach

11-04-14, 17:13
I just wondered if anybody else gets this from anxiety. My stomach is so loud and bubbly sometimes it's ridiculous. I think it's just being caused by my anxiety so would just like to know if anyone else's stomach does this. Obviously anything slightly unusual causes my anxiety to go a bit crazy.

11-04-14, 19:14
Yes, mine gurgles and creates lots if gas!! Sorry too much info.
I think the digestion is disturbed by anxiety as blood is diverted to muscles. It's pretty normal, and often embarrassing!

11-04-14, 20:02
Gluten intolerance / Coeliac disease causes gas - lots of it!

Catherine S
11-04-14, 22:59
My Hubby's stomach always does this and he doesn't suffer with health anxiety. He just says its his stomach saying thank you for the food :D

12-04-14, 09:09
My stomach is so loud it wakes me up at night sometimes! I think some people just have noisy stomachs, don't think there's anything wrong though mines been like this as long as I can remember!

12-04-14, 09:30
Mine sounds like a water tank filling up:D