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11-04-14, 18:00
Hi, this is my first post here after reading threads on this forum non stop for two weeks.
Iv had such a bad time of it and I can't stop googling.
Just looking for people to talk to. And someone to tell me, it will get better.

Two weeks ago I had a massive panic attack on the Sunday. It took everything out of me, and I was petrified of having another one all week. I didn't eat, I kept being sick, I felt constantly sick.
I got so bad I rang the doctors (which is what the anxiety started for) and they prescribed me some Beta Blockers.
I thought things were improving, I even managed to start eating a bit and then Tue I had a panic attack at the shop, because the doctors was in the same village I had got it into my head if I went there freaking out, they would make me better.
How wrong was I. The doctor prescribed me some Anyi Depressants, despite me saying I wasn't depressed, I'm just fed up of feeling sick and panicking all the time.
I took one on Wed and my god I thought I was going to die, I have NEVER felt so ill in my life.
So I rang back after a very sleepless night Thur and said under no circumstances was I taking one of those again.
I feel like I have now accepted I will have panic attacks, and I would rather than feel like that ever again.
But I can't stop obsessing over google.
I'm terrified of getting depression, what started as a cancer/health anxiety has now progressed into me being obsessed I will get depression and not be able to leave my house, look after my kids, wanna kill myself.
Every spare minute I'm sat on here googling differences between anxiety and depression, googling natural remedies. Hoping I wake up tomorrow and feel happier.
I'm driving myself insane. Help me :weep:

11-04-14, 18:39
Hello HotTea you have come to the right place so sorry to hear how you are ,and it sounds to me you could do with going back to your gp ask for some cbt this can help also anti depressants arent just for depression they can help with panick attacks and anxiety ,a combination of meds and cbt is adviced to help you threw this hard patch .
Believe me I have been were you are ,and you have got to STOP googling it will not tell you your okay and you will be fine ,quite the oppersite as you have found ,as for taking tablets you didnt give them time hun ,Im not going to lie to you they can be unpleasant at first but it does get better honest ,you can and will get better please go back and see your doctor sending you hugs xx

11-04-14, 18:42
Welcome to NMP:welcome:try looking on the symptoms section on the left had side of this page...... and then perhaps some "Mindfulness" may help you to begin with. You don't say which anti depressant you were given. Maybe you needed a lower dose to begin with. SSRI's are given to treat anxiety as well as depression.


11-04-14, 19:04
Its not a terrible thing to learn about your anxiety and panic attacks. They are frightening and bewildering if you do not understand what is happening and why.
It is also easy to start googling all your symptoms and I'm not sure that is going to help you.
Take a read through this... http://nothingworks.weebly.com
It might take a bit if the fear way.
Medication may help, but they usually are slow to act and very often have a nasty start up for a week or two.
If they don't suit you then you can recover without them so don't feel too hopeless.
Remember, anxiety and panic attacks are experienced by millions. They are not nice, but not harmful. You need to find a way of managing them and becoming a little less fearful.
Good luck. You are not alone!

dezy numb fingers
11-04-14, 19:17
My advice is to stop googling. Stay on here and get some advise, but your imagination just runs wild when you ask dr google and end up thinking that everything under the sun is wrong with you.

12-04-14, 02:34
Try practicising relaxation techniques such as Calming Technique, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and Mindfulness meditation. The first 2 are easy & quick to learn but the 3rd will take some time but it far more powerful in getting you better so stick with it.

I also suggest you look at the NICE website because the advice given to GP's is to look towards self help programmes as medication should come later unless they assess it otherwise e.g. you wouldn't cope. GP's are very ropey still over anxiety disorders so the more you speak to people, the more you will find inconsistencies.

The NICE website gives advice on the type of therapies that may be suitable. If you have a mental health charity in your area, you may be able to self refer for help or some run open courses for free that are CBT based.

12-04-14, 12:57
Thankyou all so much. Yesterday I was fine, as am I today.
Citropram was the SSRI I was given, and it really knocked me for 6. I don't like the idea of meds inside me, but I am taking 40ml of Proponolol in the morning which seems to work perfectly.
Iv now started getting these crazy headaches when I go to Tescos etc, its like I sit in the car and panic I will have a panic attack in there but then I get this splitting headache in my ears instead and dry eyes? Is this normal?
Really want to have some CBT as that sounds :yesyes: