View Full Version : not gaving a good day

11-04-14, 19:46
i feel utterly beside myself with worry I'm not coping, fearing my arm aching far to much is the worst c! Two doctors says its water retention giving me carpal tunnel but my hands not tingling;( i should believe the doctors but my mind says I'm dying cbt is not till 30th ;( the thought of leaving my kids and my new baby due in 7 weeks frightens me so much i go in to huge panic, I'm not thinking straight at all im not eating properly because my head is on overdrive

11-04-14, 20:52
Charm sorry to hear your not doing well ,it will be worse with you expecting aswell your hormones will be all over the place ,please try and believe your doctors ,and try and eat small amounts often and little if you can ,you need to look after yourself your going to need all your strength when you have your baby all the best to you hun x

11-04-14, 21:29
thanks for reply isn't awful this ha its so unfair, i find myself looking at people thinking the look well and probably don't obsess about their health, going to make a plan tomorrow get up quick and do something active (distraction day) i need tips any ideas how to get through this ;( my shoulders ache i belive its aniexty and hunching forward from stressful thinking, I'm being so stupid but feels so real

11-04-14, 22:41
And it is real charm ,but thats the way forward think positive ,keep busy try reading some books this always helps me ,try some self help / mind fullness it helps to understand why you feel like you do,I also zone out with music its great for relaxing xx