View Full Version : Scared witless

11-04-14, 20:09
Going away for the weekend with one of my friends today and when I woke up this morning my ocd and health anxiety didn't even give me a minute before it attacked me. I don't know how to cope anymore, because I constantly feel like I'm in danger of dying at any moment and nobody believes me when I say that I know it's physical, not mental like they say. I'm really tired today which makes me panic even more because it makes me feel like I'm not in control of my body and I don't ever want to sleep as it is, incase I die and never wake up again. I'm so scared for tonight because I know I'll be exhausted and won't be able to rationally fight the sleep for long. I constantly have genuine symptoms and the doctor says that my reusing pulse is high (around 100 odd) because of my venlafaxine, but sometimes it's also really low so I don't understand. I forgot to tell him about the extreme fluctuations. Right now it's at 102 and I'm resting and I wasn't even worried about it when I did it, but now I am! Sometimes it goes as low as 60 though or occasionally under. So scared to sleep tonight because my heart might give up or go in to arrest or go to slow or so fast that I die.

11-04-14, 20:26
nobody believes me when I say that I know it's physical, not mental like they say

Anxiety causes real physical symptoms. The sheer number of real physical sensations caused by it is staggering. I bet if you read through the Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/) link, you'd find nearly every one you're experiencing. When they say it's mental, they mean it starts with the mind. You're not imagining the feelings but your mind is the cause of them initially.

It's your body's response to a stimuli that you perceive to be dangerous or threatening. "Fight or Flight Response". Think of it like a self defense or alarm system that's malfunctioning.

Positive thoughts

11-04-14, 20:40
Hi chloe your symptoms you are feeling are very real ,but they are caused by a surge of adrenalinethis is why you will feel these awful symptoms ,its like any illness it needs time to heal and with anxiety it takes along time you have to acept its anxiety its not very pleasant but it wont harm you ,start to try and relax more read up on this knowledge is power xx

12-04-14, 12:22
I quite often get very anxious about doing things I enjoy. Because I don't want to spoil it for myself and others I guess so stupidly I then do end up ruining it for myself and others.
My pulse also fluctuates exactly as you've described and I too worry about it. I wish all this would go away and I could be normal, I really do feel for you x