View Full Version : is suicide an option? if u can't get help?

11-04-14, 21:29
hi look at my other questions if u know nothing about me.
i need help with shyness/social anxiety/general anxiety
i'm 15 and need some help
when i was going to the mall with my mum on Monday
i expected to be great.. but i didn't know what i was up for
when people were Approaching me i started blushing my face Didn't go red.. i just start smiling and it becomes very tense.. i feel very embarrassed to be looked at. in front of 100 people at the mall
one person looked at me and said what the hell are you looking at
i can't sit down and look away i have to stare with peripheral vision whatever its called, i come of as creepy my mum 'said what the hell are you doing why are you acting all scared relax' it really made me stressed..
i also start shaking if i have to meet an attractive girl
i can talk at school see neighbours.
i have no friends i'm introverted timid shy, the mall felt scary the world seemed very strange.. now to the general anxiety i fear if my mum dies and it ruined my school attendance, i'm gonna give the mall another go on sunday and monday any tips for staring blushing? if i fail i will try see a Gp.. my first therapy visit was bad so i quit, please best anwsers i appreciate it guys use can make me happy. have a good week

11-04-14, 21:42

Truly.... please find someone to talk to about this. You've posted this several times.

Positive thoughts and prayers

11-04-14, 21:45
You know suicide isn't the option so not sure why you keep asking as no-one is ever going to say yes

What help are you getting?

Catherine S
11-04-14, 22:54
I wouldn't even be tempted to advise somebody talking about possible suicide, that's a huge responsibility to be giving people here to be honest.

11-04-14, 22:59
I didn't really see it as giving advice, just trying to be positive, but you're right.

Positive thoughts Peter 245 :) x

Catherine S
11-04-14, 23:01
It wasn't aimed at you in particular half jack, just anybody really.

12-04-14, 00:55
Peter, please return to therapy :bighug1:

It may have started off bad for you but I imagine many people have had a bad start to therapy, you're not the only one :hugs:

I had a bad start to therapy once but it got better over time :)

Talk to someone you trust, like a teacher. Does your school have a counsellor ?, talk to them.

Catherine S
12-04-14, 01:19
By the way half jack...care to share with us what the Arabic sentiment is? Or you prefer it to be a secret. I could speak to you in Welsh if that's okay with you?

12-04-14, 02:18
By the way half jack...care to share with us what the Arabic sentiment is? Or you prefer it to be a secret. I could speak to you in Welsh if that's okay with you?

Utter the name and I feel free
Of passion and music:
Crazy hour sings
Ancient times dead.

It is from a poem by Federico García Lorca a spanish poet.

Not quite sure if that is the 'proper' translation

google knows things lol :)

Catherine S
12-04-14, 02:22
Okay, but why is it written in Arabic? And more to the point Venus, how did you translate Arabic into Spanish :huh:

12-04-14, 02:43
Peter, think about what you would lose if you take such as option. You have the chance to get help, improve and live a good life. Thats got to be worth giving a go.

What exactly was the problem with the therapy session? Some people find it really hard at first so you won't be alone there.

A good therapist should be asking if you feel comfortable with them and what you will be discussing because one of the most important elements of any therapy is the therapist-to-client relationship. If that doesn't work, the therapy is unlikely to.

If your therapist was a member of the opposite sex and this is an issue, ask to see one of the same sex. They won't take offence as this is common practice.

You really need to talk to your GP again and try the therapy option.

It sounds like you need help in building self confidence and improving your self esteem. This is all possible and things can get much better for you.

You may also benefit from a joint session with your mother at some point into therapy so she can listen to a professional as it sounds like she really doesn't understand how you feel...this is very common with anxiety disorders and education is often required.

EDIT: If you are having suicidal thoughts and you believe you may harm yourself, please ask someone for help whether it is your parents or a confidential helpline. Then definately see your doctor.