View Full Version : Is this a mild form of OCD?

11-04-14, 21:32
Every night I'm afraid that gremlins or other monsters/beasts/people are gonna come and get me.
I check round the edges of my bed multiple times, always doubling back on myself to check that something hasn't just dodged my gaze and is hiding there.
I have to make sure all my drawers/wardrobe doors/bedroom door are closed properly so nothing can hide behind them.
My curtains have to be drawn tightly so nothing can see in while I'm sleeping.
The worst thing is my light however.
I've got a little touch-activated bedside lamp, and I switch it off before I go to sleep.
However, the minute I switch it off and close my eyes, I immediately switch the lamp back on again in case a gremlin is creeping up on me.
This happenens at least seven times before I manage to get to sleep :-/
It's really tiring me out, but I can't stop it....does this sound like OCD?

Catherine S
12-04-14, 00:21
It sounds more like normal childhood fears, how old are you?

12-04-14, 05:28
It's not OCD as such, but your reaction to it e.g. the multiple times you have to check you are safe with the bed and the light, could be OCD. OCD, I think is unlikely to be the cause and more a safety behaviour, but a negative one that you need to treat.

I think this is more paranoia. Have a look at this section on the MIND website.


We all get paranoia from time to time but it's when it's irrational, like you have described, that it becomes a problem.

Interestingly, it does say that it has links with anxiety & depression. Also, the treatments are largely the same e.g. CBT and Mindfulness meditation.

It's a good idea to discuss this with people who understand it more, such as MIND or your GP.