View Full Version : now freaking out night sweating

12-04-14, 07:18
I don't know why I'm so freaked out about this really as I have had it on and off for years. I ised to think it was related to my cycle but lately it's every single night. I don't get the sheet drenching night sweats where i wake up soaked, I just wake up every night with my cheat and neck sweaty, sometimes enough to change my top as it's damp at the front.
I am seeing my Dr on Tuesday. I was supposed to have a full blood count back in January because I have been sick so much over the past year, but I never ended up having it done because I got pregnant so I figured they would check my bloods at my first appointment. However I miscarried that pregnancy so I never did get the bloods done. Now I am scared of having them done and worried I've left it too late.
Right now I am sick again with a cold / sinus infection with horrible migraine. This is ky ninth virus since last summer. I am never well.

12-04-14, 07:36
Bless you, I have been suffering like this as well. Don't forget though the weather is getting milder now and if you're anything like me I still have my winter quilt on in case it turns cold again and sometimes my damn heating still comes on in the morning. I'm a fine one to talk though as I'm really worried about this too.

12-04-14, 07:52
Thanks for replying. We have one of those memory foam toppers on our mattress and I wonder whether that makes me sweat? I have also noticed that I wake up with the covers pulled very tightly around under my chin and perhaps this is making me overheated. I'm sorry you are suffering too. I have read that the kind of night sweats to worry about are the ones where you wake up drenched and have to change all the sheets. I had night sweats like that after the birth of both my children so I kmow they are different but it's still something I worry about.

12-04-14, 07:56
I had bad sweats after my first child. I was wet through, it was absolutely vile so yes this is not on a par with that here either!
Funny I actually have a memory foam mattress. Wonder if you're theory there is correct. But I thought they were supposed to keep you cool in hot weather and warm in cold. Mine is getting old now mind you.
I can't sleep without the duvet up round my neck.

12-04-14, 14:34
The fact that you're pregnant (hormones and supporting another life) and sleep with the covers pulled up all around your neck (what I wall the mummy effect) accounts for being a bit overheated as you stated in your OP. Also, you stated that the sweats you should be concerned with are the sheet drenching type (which is true) answers your own concern.

Positive thoughts

12-04-14, 14:42
I have memory foam too and it is known to make people overheat.