View Full Version : First post in a long time

12-04-14, 07:44
Hello everyone, wonder if there are any familiar faces still here.
I have been away for a long time as I have been doing ok on my own.
However I have been struggling lately. Been through a lot of stress, lost a lot of weight, though in the past couple of months that has evened out and not got any worse. But I feel so tired every single day. I ache all the time, I can barely walk around without my limbs a hing, my heart pounding and feeling out of breath. My legs are particularly weak and I can hardly see any muscle in them, my bottom is almost flat, there's nothing there. My face isn't lovely and glowy, its sallow and saggy with no fat in it to plump it up a bit.
I'm starting to worry about my health again as you can tell. Ms, ALS, adrenal problems, heart trouble, anything you name it.
I wake every day and feel dread. It's gotten slightly better than it was but its a background to my day. I very frequently feel shaky or like I'm buzzing inside.
I've been to the dr who ordered some blood tests so I'm just waiting on the results of those but they don't think there's much wrong.
I just need some energy! I am ready for bed by 8pm. Last night I saw people my age going out for drinks all happy and jolly and bouncing along and I just sat there miserable feeling like rubbish and eyes drooping.
I know no one can diagnose on here, just looking for anyone who may have gone through similar who can offer some advice.

12-04-14, 07:59
Hello, you've just replied to my post so I thought I would reply to you! I have certainly been through many periods like this. I think you can keep going and going until you reach a certain point and then your body just needs to stop and you can become very run down and low. It's a cycle that is very hard to break out of. I had a virus last summer and really struggled with my energy and physical heaoth for the rest of the year. I think you need to do some things to tip the balance back in your favour as the more tired and ill you feel the more anxious you become and it sets off a vicious cycle. Something like gentle exercise, acupuncture and a good diet and vitamins plus lots of rest could help build you back up again. Best of luck!

12-04-14, 08:35
Thanks for replying.
I don't sleep very well either. I toss and turnout nights, I dream all the time. I slept like a log till about January and now I just seem to not be able to rest properly. Likewise I didn't dream till my sleep started becoming disturbed.
I keep dreaming about a certain person in my past as well which is irritating.

---------- Post added at 08:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 ----------

Sorry pressed send too soon.
Thanks for tips. I will give them a try. I have been trying to up my vitamins and I am eating three good meals a day but sometimes I just don't feel like it so have to force myself. Thinking of trying something like reflexology. I've heard good reviews.

---------- Post added at 08:35 ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 ----------

And something else that's started up this week I forgot to mention is itching hands and feet.
I don't know what's going on but feel like my body is packing up

12-04-14, 08:53

Just wanted to stop by and let you know you are not alone in how you are feeling (but you know that anyway).

I'm sorry to hear that your HA is back again, I too am going through similiar things after a good few months, I'm now back to worrying to a whole heap of different things.

My doctor has ordered blood tests and I can't even bring myself to go get them as I'm so scared.

You say that you are stressed and that has obviously caused you to lose weight and is probably causing many of the symptoms you are experiencing. Also if you are not sleeping properly that in itself can make you feel really poorly and under the weather.

I can totally relate to the mornings, I think a lot of people on here will it's that awful feeling of dread when you open your eyes in the morning and everything you are worrying about comes flooding back.

Do you take anything for it or do you try natural methods to combat the feelings?

I'm sure it is just a combination of stress/poor sleep etc that is giving you all of your symptoms and once you get the results of your blood tests that will give you reassurance. In the meantime just try and take it easy get plenty of rest and do things that you enjoy, have a bit of "me" time.

take care

12-04-14, 12:13
Replied on wrong thread!