View Full Version : Worry about worry

12-04-14, 07:54
Hi just wondering if I can have some advice can't stop worrying about how tense I feel I know it sounds crazy but I can't seem to stop it keep checking in with myself I hate then tense feeling in my arms and butterflies in my stomach its effecting my life feel really down because of it anyone else get in to this circle of feelings ? Tried exercise and realaxation but nothing seems to help it had anxiety since I was 13 from smoking weed now I'm nearly 26 and just want to move on with life :(

12-04-14, 09:09
Hey Shadowstriker! I've felt the same for a while now until I got Dr Claire Weekes CD this week. Now all I have in my head is her voice saying "Accept, accept, accept". I'm not going to say this has worked completely but at least now I know that there are two levels of fear - the initial anxiety, and the second level of fear because of the fear of the anxiety. This acceptance has made me look at this second level of worry/fear in a different light.

Have you done any reading or research that you can identify with? I still have a lot to learn about this subject. The most important aspect of it for me is the hope that I will come out of this rollercoaster a better and wiser person. I'm sure you will too! : )

12-04-14, 10:58
Thanks some things i can relate to like i think negative like i am waiting for test results to check my fertility because my cousin keeps making fun of my saying i am a jaffa (firing blanks) but I expect things to be negative in a way of protecting me so it softens the blow if it is a bad outcome.

13-04-14, 22:09
I am always worried every time i go out and have to drive somewhere. I can't help because I haven't solved the issue but I pray before I go anywhere. It sucks but i feel more safe that way. Our minds sometimes take the better of us i guess. Good luck

13-04-14, 22:17
I'm the same. My worry is exactly...about my worries! I worry about my anxiety. I haven't got any other reason to worry other than 'why am I feeling like this...will I feel better?' and have to admit...my biggest hurdle has been to accept my anxiety and ride it out...it takes time, but gradually I'm getting better. I still have wobbly days- had one today but I'm having more and more brighter days xx

14-04-14, 08:35
Hi all,
This is what it's all about. Anxiety feeds on itself... Fear of fear and worrying about worry.
It seems that once we have entered the anxiety cycle the thoughts and feeling are pretty much automatic.
We cannot really stop thinking about anxiety, and we certainly cannot control our physical symptoms, the churning stomach etc. So it comes and there is little we can do about it. But, and this is the big BUT.. if we then choose to try and push it away, control it or add worry and fear over the way we are then we feed the anxiety and it stays longer. And the hard part is if we just carry on, whilst feeling anxious, with all the nasty feelings, it takes time for this to work it's magic. Things will return to normal eventually ... Maybe days or a few weeks but all we can do is our best to accept it like a broken leg for now. That's not easy and I would be amazed if anyone can do this well to start with. Acceptance does need practice, and then more practice.
I woke this morning with anxiety levels at panic level. Then laid in the dark drifting in and out of sleep bu I did manage for most of the time to keep in mind that it doesn't matter, I won't feel like this a for the rest of my life. In fact I felt much calmer by the time the sun rose. Not calm, but better.
The plan today is to do what I would be doing if I wasn't feeling tired and anxious. This is not easy, but if you believe it will pay off then you can do it. Keep the faith.

14-04-14, 09:03
Agreed with Phil. I hate this anxiety but today and like every other day, I get up and do what I'd do if I wasn't feeling this way. I actually make myself do something everyday. My anxiety levels are lower because I've decided to accept and get on but that's not to say that I don't have moments where I feel totally rotten. It takes patience and I know patience is near impossible when you have anxiety. Its a real test but you really have to reassure yourself that it will get better along as you just have the mind set 'come on anxiety...do your worst' I can now have moments where I think about my anxiety but only for a split minute :)