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View Full Version : Feeling awful

12-04-14, 09:07
Hi I'm new here. Anytime I search anything there is always something from this forum so I thought I would join!

Ok a couple of weeks ago I went to the drs I felt ok but had a slightly swollen lymph node so I had bloods and the WBC came back at 17000!
Of course I googled and got bad results so I then rang a dr as had an awful anxiety attack and he said what are you flapping about we all have to face these things in life!! He then proceeded to say yes it could be a luekemia but it's treatable!!!! Worst thing ever to say!

I went to see my normal dr who said I can't believe the other dr said that I would be looking at infection????

I have been uncontrollable connecting my bad back I've had for 3 years to misdiagnosis of something and everything has spread.

This is ruining my life at the moment I have a 9yr old and getting married in august but keep thinking I won't be around its awful.

Has anyone ever had bad blood results like this? It is not just slightly elevated it's high.

First thing in the morning I'm waking in a panic attack

Thanks in advance Emma xxx

12-04-14, 19:02
Hi, Emma and welcome! Hope you get to the bottom of it soon, did your regular doctor order more tests as it sounds like he was more reassuring/spoke of an infection? When do you see him again?

12-04-14, 21:52
Thank you. Im on anti biotics still and have repeat bloods in about a week and a half. I dont feel ill but wondering if I have a tooth infection as the dentist said I need root canal however there is no pain! I think im putting all my ailments....bad back...bad tummy amongst other things and thinking its all connected. I ve not had anxiety like this for ages its terrible

13-04-14, 00:22
Hi Emma - make sure you get some probiotics if you're on antibiotics and also get some vitamin C to help knock any infection on the head. I'm sure you will be okay. That was a terrible thing of the other doctor to say!

13-04-14, 02:27
Too right, Lilharry! And, in fact, anxiety can worsen without the probiotics! Meanwhile, I see a simple google check reveals plenty of links between antibiotic use and (increased) anxiety. Don't know how long you have been on them, but maybe this is at least partly why you are more anxious than you have been in a long time? ... Good news is that symptoms should simmer down after it has taken hold/when you finish the course. :yesyes: Marie

13-04-14, 02:59
Welcome, Emma. I'm sorry to hear about the panic attacks and nasty experience with the doctor.

A few things help to lessen my anxiety...

Posting here is always helpful, given that most members here can relate.

Getting second (and sometimes third) opinions helps put my mind at ease, as well as pursuing all possible tests.

And back to the topic of getting second opinions and seeing specialists, I always check patient reviews of doctors, and at times I've asked my family doctor to cancel his referral to a specialist with poor reviews to another one with high reviews. Here's the website I use: http://www.ratemds.com

I hope some of these ideas help take the edge off your anxiety as you figure out your situation. :)

13-04-14, 21:26
Thank you all for your replies.

I have started having actimel in the mornings and I have a dentist appointment in the morning to see if I have a tooth infection,never in my life have I wished for a tooth infection more!!!!