View Full Version : Apparent panic attack/anxiety I'm unsure though :-s

12-04-14, 10:44

I'm new to the forum but a little about my history. In 25 been for the last 2 years if not more getting pains in my chest intermittently. It's comes and goes but is there more often than not and it has had me admitted to a&e several times.

I have seen my local gp a handful of times but all I get is attached to an ECG have a blood test then he gives me a leaflet in panic attacks.

My symptoms vary but it's generally a sharp pain in my chest or a continuous dull ache. When I am doing nothing I notice it more and at times think about it so much I actually think I'm at the early stages of a heart attack. I don't hyperventilate or fight to breathe but at times I get a foggy head and feel as if I may pass out. I have a habit of checking my pulse when I start to get these pains. I experience palpitations but they don't really bother me to be honest.

I just do not no if it is panic attacks or there is something underlining which gives me the pains that then cause an attack. I am fit and healthy I go gym 5 x a week (as long as my chest is not playing up) and I eat healthy except the odd weekend. I don't smoke and I drink once in a blue moon.

My question is I suppose has any experience just a chest pain with little or no other symptoms on such a regular occurrence and it just be panic attacks/anxiety?

12-04-14, 17:50
It's possible to have mild symptoms that include chest pain, and by the sound of your other symptoms you do have a certain amount of anxiety.

Chest pain can be caused by a number of other things as well though, and I get it a lot with reflux. It's quite painful sometimes.

If you're pushing weights at the gym you may have a damaged chest muscle as well. I used to do it a lot when I was younger and damaged a ligament that took about 3 years to heal properly.

If your doctor is saying your heart is fine then take it as fact for now. You're far too young for that to be an issue really.

25-04-14, 03:38
About 3 years ago I was lying on my side and started getting all this chest pain and stuff. When id get the pain it literally would jolt me sometimes. I even had paint
s down the left side of my arm which is associated with heart attacks. I also used to check my pulse on a regular basis which is out of anxiety. I had quite a few ECG's, I even had ambulances check my heart multiple times and even had blood tests which all came out clear. If your tests were clear then I can assure you there's nothing to worry about, it would then be a pulled muscle/nerve or/and anxiety.