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12-04-14, 12:00
Hello, my name is Benjamin. I have suffered from severe anxiety over the past five/six years. The majority of this time I have been medicated and this has helped. Two months ago I tapered down with my psychiatrist two drugs: Venaflaxine and Mirtazapine, I know longer take those drugs. I felt reasonable for four weeks and even decided to knock 50mg off my quietiapine script. A few weeks later I was suddenly hit by a freight train size of Anxiety, and panick attacks...the latter I am not use to.

It hit me first when my tube train stopped in a tunnel for no reason...the wave of fear hit me and, this is new to me, I could not breathe. Days later at Waitrose my hands were shaking and I could not breathe when I was at the till trying to pay, I wanted to run. Days after that I had a basket of shopping and I was moving along the queue but kept letting people go in front of me as I tried desperately to control my breathing. I wanted to run and escape, and I did. I dropped my basket on the floor and left...embarrassed and humiliated. That was two days ago and I have yet to manage to buy any food.

I assume others on this site have similar experiences, if you have, how did you overcome them?

Kind regards


12-04-14, 15:03
Was the discontinuation of quietiapine by your doctor's recommendation? Often, depending on the drug, stopping a medication abruptly or without supervision or tapering off can cause adverse effects.

Positive thoughts

12-04-14, 15:15
Basically you have to stand there and let it happen. Running away only increases the fear when you have to be in the same situation again. Focus on something in your head, count, make a list of flowers, recite a poem, anything really. Recognise it as an adrenaline rush.
I know nothing about meds, but I've had more panic attacks in supermarket queues than you've had hot dinners, and completely recovered from them :)

12-04-14, 18:56
Thank you for the replies. I had considered discontinuation syndrome, albeit I only decreased it 25mg a week for two weeks. I am on 450m.

I do understand the stand there and take it theory, but it is easier said than done. Have you really had no panic attacks since you started doing this?

12-04-14, 20:57
My worst panic attacks were about 25 years ago and they were crippling. In those days there wasn't the help around that there is now so I basically just tried to carry on as normal and recovered. Don't get me wrong, it was hard at times, I struggled with panic attacks, agoraphobia, depression, the whole lot, but I came out the other side.
The anxiety came back a few months ago, but I recognised the signs and was able to nip it in the bud. If I felt panic rising, I'd just let it be there. Easier said than done, but when you get your head round the fact that it's just adrenaline trying to protect you from danger, it eventually calms down. :)