View Full Version : Will my dr think I'm barking mad?

12-04-14, 13:31
At least it's not moles anymore!
A few days ago I was washing my face and felt a small bony lump infront of the top of my ear, thinking it was just part of my ear I didn't worry until I noticed I didn't have one the other side!
I had a docs appointment booked for next Tuesday about my prior worry, but ended up popping to see her on an emergency appointment basis because I couldn't take it.. I've seen and spoke to my doctor at least 4 times in the past few weeks, is she going to hate me :( :(
Anyone else have random bony lumps around the front of the ear area?

12-04-14, 13:59
It does not matter what she thinks as long as she reassures you, which I am sure she will do. I know exactly where you are coming from - I can cope with any weird thing popping up on my body as long as there is one on the other side, too! :) When there isn't, panic sets in. The truth is that we are not completely symmetrical and I am sure your doctor will quicky put your mind at rest next Tuesday.

12-04-14, 14:17
Thanks, I literally hate wasting people's time and don't want it to get to the point of her rolling her eyes when she sees my name appear lol!
Obviously I'm also scared of possible bad news, scans, waiting. I wish I didn't find the stupid lump now! I guess that's her job, she must see worse cases than me right?!

12-04-14, 14:25
Absolutely! She will of course understand that a lump of any kind will worry you, but my guess is she will tell you within seconds that it is just normal bone tissue and nothing to worry about. Let us know on Tuesday - I love it when I'm right. :D

12-04-14, 20:43
I don't think your GP will think you are barking mad. I been loads of time to GPs in the last two years about various things, including a few things to looked at as part of one condition/medical condition I have, just need to be observed.
I have been to see every GP at the practice I am registered with, including a few times to walk in centre, a few scans been sent for.
Go to the GP if you are worried and try not to Google.

12-04-14, 20:51
I have a bony lump behind my right ear and have done for ever , don't have it on my left either , our body's are not symmetrical x

13-04-14, 12:03
Thanks so much for these replies. I'm worrying a little less as I've been feeling it every day for the last week and I'm fed up of it now. Don't think it's got any bigger regardless of my poking and rubbing. Il still pop and see my doctor just to double check. I wish I'd known if it was there longer, I don't remember feeling around that area very much, so it could well have been there forever! Thanks again for all these replies, appreciate it x

21-04-14, 22:22
Aforementioned appointment in the morning, really getting myself worked up over it, what to show her nd tell her etc, whether I'm going to have a breakdown or not. Whether she's going to see my name and think "oh it's her AGAIN. Give me strength!"

22-04-14, 06:28
I've had many bumps and lumps in my ear lobes. I'm pretty sure they're normal. They can also seem to come and go.

22-04-14, 10:02
Apparently tiny cyst in ear. Nothing to worry about! Talked about my anxiety and where I live there aren't many cbt therapusts on the nhs so I'm going to speak to a nurse at a small surgery. She gave me some tablets which she assured me are not anti depressants but reading the leaflet it looks suspiciously like they are! Fluanxol anyone? Xx