View Full Version : Mates birthday but not sure i am well enough to go

12-04-14, 15:19
It's my mates birthday today and we are all meant to be meeting at the pub at 6 but I really don't feel well. Chest is tight and a lot of palpitations, and feel dizzy. It always happens when I am looking forward to something and don't know what to do. Do I stay in cause I don't feel right, or risk going out and feeling worse??

12-04-14, 15:24
Go out and see how you feel:)

12-04-14, 15:27
Yeah I think I will, it's the waiting around thinking I am not going to feel well that makes me worse. Bloody negative thinking lol

12-04-14, 15:35
Lol I know just how you feel, but tell yourself you'll go for a while to see how it goes and take it from there. Try to relax before you go, go out with an open mind. And don't drink too much:D

12-04-14, 15:48
haha thanks, sadly with all the tablets I am on I will be alcohol free :(

12-04-14, 16:08
haha thanks, sadly with all the tablets I am on I will be alcohol free :(

Best thing for you anyway ;) Have a great time!

Positive thoughts

12-04-14, 16:28
Go out! Get amongst friends and watch the symptoms disappear!

12-04-14, 16:39
Thanks everyone :)