View Full Version : scared I'm having a breakdown!

12-04-14, 18:06
hi guys,

so basically i am terrified I'm having a breakdown or losing my mind. i have been caring for my grandmother for 9 months now and she is awful towards me, she is disabled and i think has mental health issues but she refuses to see anyone. i lost my grandfather (her husband) in december and i have just been under extreme stress more or less daily for the last 9 months. My anxiety and moods have got a hell of a lot worse. sometimes things don't seem real around me, almost like I'm in a dream (this happens at least once a day, sometime lasting for day on end) and i just can't cope, she has carers coming in twice a day but she still expects me to do everything, i just don't get any time to myself. she refused respite care to give me a break and is constantly abusive towards me. I'm 23 years old and i don't wanna have a break down now or ever in fact. it would destroy my life. so my question is does anyone know how to channel or deal with stress, i mean I've even been getting weekly migraines and if i don't have a migraine i have a headache, if i don't have a headache i have a cold or feel faint. I'm just exhausted. any tips would be excellent.

12-04-14, 18:12
one tip. get some rest away from your grandmother. you know that is the important thing you can do right now. it's the sensible thing. it's the right thing. don't let some sense of guilt, worry, or sense of duty get in the way of what your body is screaming out for.

12-04-14, 18:58
I agree,

Please listen to your body. You need time away,so that you can stay well. I wish I had recognized my symptoms and acted on them, as the longer you leave it ,the worse you will be.

Get another family member, or someone from her care team to help you. There is no shame in saying that you need help xx

12-04-14, 19:01
There must be some other family members who can help out and share the load... you cannot be expected to do this on your own.
