View Full Version : Longtime reader, first time poster

12-04-14, 23:53
Let me start off by thanking all on this board for letting me know im not alone through this health anxiety. My anxiety always spikes in spring and summer but falls away in fall and winter. Weird i know.

Anyway my problem is this, i have been put on hydrocodone Acetaminophen for a shoulder injury and have been taking them as prescribed 3 every 6 hours for pain. Recently it was so bad i took 4 at once. My worry is the Acetaminophen, after using dr google i found Acetaminophen can cause liver problems, once i read this i became OBSESSED, i have lower back pain and a pain on my right side below my rib cage that nags me. Neither are severe but i also work a hard physical labor job. Could this be from that or anxiety? Im constantly checking the whites of my eyes and my urine, i have myself convinced i have 3 days to live, please help! I have been very carefull to stay below 4k Acetaminophen in a 24 hour period. I just worry about these things and convince myself i have these symptoms. Im not tired all the time or have jaundice, am i just paranoid????

13-04-14, 00:26
Yes, you are probably being paranoid. If you're worried though, you could talk to your doctor and get bloods to check your liver function. I'm wondering if you are doing anything else for your shoulder injury? There are lots of natural treatments for pain if you want to get off the pharmaceuticals. Arnica and tiger balm are both good. Also look into PEMF therapy which is supposed to be amazing for healing injuries.

13-04-14, 00:32
Yes, you are probably being paranoid. If you're worried though, you could talk to your doctor and get bloods to check your liver function. I'm wondering if you are doing anything else for your shoulder injury? There are lots of natural treatments for pain if you want to get off the pharmaceuticals. Arnica and tiger balm are both good. Also look into PEMF therapy which is supposed to be amazing for healing injuries.

I go to the doctor monday im going to bring up my fears, i keep checking my urine as i heard acute liver failure affects the kidneys, its not dark dark more clear then anything. I drank coffee when i was panicking without thinking, this was a bad idea. I havent lost my appetite which is also a symptom so im trying to calm down.

13-04-14, 01:54
As one who lived on hard core narcotics for pain for close to a year, I wouldn't concern yourself with one extra dose of acetaminophen. Most incidences of liver issues from acetaminophen are caused by intentionally taking large amounts to cause personal harm and/or combining it with alcohol. One higher than normal dose will not cause irreparable liver damage. I'd be more careful concerning the amount of hydrocodone at one time. You probably are on the hydrocodone 650's which is a common one. 1-2 every 3-6 hours is most likely the script. Other than being in a bit more of a narc fog, you'll be fine.

It's advisable not to exceed the recommended dosage in the future. You can bring it up with your doctor if you're still concerned come Monday.

Positive thoughts