View Full Version : does anyone elses anxiety keep them up at night?

13-04-14, 00:03
Hi everyone.
So here I am another night another worry. Had a pain in my thigh for two minutes. Got up and it went
Normal people would say okay not a blood clot, I'm worried that it was and now its moved!

Another night where I can no longer sleep due to the agonising worry. Anyone else?x

13-04-14, 00:09
All the time, i actually was worried of a blood clot before my current liver poisoning fears. I had a dull pain near my groin that came and went and i feared maybe a clot or blocked artery as i smoke. The thing that helped me most was i had a buddy who had a clot in his lungs after surgery and told me it was a persistent dull ache ALL the time and never moved. Yours stopped and moved correct?

13-04-14, 00:13
No it just stopped! Irrationally I think that it dislodged when I stood up and has travelled to my lungs :(. So fed up of sleepless nights die to worry when I need sleep the most!

13-04-14, 00:21
I've been getting pain in right hip, started mainly in night in bed, thought I'd laid funny but was same no matter which side I was on, starting to be almost constant now.

13-04-14, 00:27
If a blood clot travelled to your lungs you would have xtreme breathlessness and not be able to walk even short distances without feeling like u were gonna pass out.

13-04-14, 00:35
Oh I know, just the fear takes over all rational thoughts. X

13-04-14, 00:41
Trust me i know exactly how you feel. Its very stressfull spending each day assuming its your last.

13-04-14, 00:43
Oh god yes. Epescially when you're just so convinced its an absolute terrible way to live but I'm just so sure. Urgh :(

13-04-14, 00:46
I try to think statistically cuz i love numbers, on average my fears have been correct 0 percent of the time lol so i realize trusting my brain is impractical

13-04-14, 02:33
I try to think statistically cuz i love numbers, on average my fears have been correct 0 percent of the time lol so i realize trusting my brain is impractical

I need to keep this stat in mind! :)

---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 00:52 ----------

Hi everyone.
So here I am another night another worry. Had a pain in my thigh for two minutes. Got up and it went
Normal people would say okay not a blood clot, I'm worried that it was and now its moved!

Another night where I can no longer sleep due to the agonising worry. Anyone else?x

Oh yes. When my anxiety is at its worst, it usually keeps me up at night. Most of the posts I make here are late at night when I need someone to talk to about my health-related fears. It has always helped me to connect with people here who know what I'm going through. I end up calming down, getting tired, and (finally) falling into a deep sleep. :)

13-04-14, 18:51
Bulan, I love this site as a way to connect with people over my health fears. Family/friends just don't understand.

I'm finding it very hard today, my knees/calves/shins/thighs are all hurting at different intervals and I can't shake the blood clot feeling. I hate it but its there and now night time is approaching my anxiety is at its worst. Feeling v.alone today :(

13-04-14, 19:08
I'm sorry you're experiencing that pain, Roxy. I often feel intermittent pain in my legs (and arms, back, neck, head, etc.), but in my case it's fibromyalgia. But it took doctors 1.5 years from the initial onset of these symptoms to finally settle on a diagnosis, so my mind went crazy with fears during that time. So, while I can't offer any specific insight on your symptoms, I certainly can empathize.

13-04-14, 19:20
Oh I have pain everywhere else too. Crippling back pain, neck, arm head pain etc but the leg pain is a blood clot. Its absolutely mental torture! X

14-04-14, 12:08
I'm there too, with the pain thing. Especially in my hips and my shoulders. There are days I struggle just to get dressed. But my doctor says it's bursitis. So I'm going with that. I don't need to lie awake at night thinking I'm dying of cancer or something because I already worry about my health constantly. Like someone else in this thread mentioned, I smoke and I already worry I'll end up with lung cancer. Or fall over from a heart attack. It's on my mind constantly. I suppose only I can do something about that by quitting. But it's a double-edge sword for someone like me.... I worry about the repercussions of smoking, yet cigarettes help keep me relaxed.


Anyway, as far as sleep goes, and with the exception of a panic attack in the middle of the night last Thursday, I actually sleep pretty well. Much better than I used to. I don't take anti-anxiety drugs anymore, I weaned myself off of them a few years ago. I still have my ativan, but those I save for what I like to call "oh crap" moments. Lately I've also been taking one at night before I go to bed. Mostly because I'm terrified of repeating what happened last Thursday. I never want to go through anything like that again. But even before that, I was sleeping well and I think it has a little to do with magnesium. Look up magnesium and anxiety, you'll be surprised at what you find.