View Full Version : Multiple Symptoms, Worrying All Day

13-04-14, 01:32
My family thinks I am just making all of this stuff up. I know it could be anxiety, but I am having trouble believing that the following list of symptoms could be from anxiety and stress. I am getting a pregnancy test soon just to be sure, and I have been to the hospital about my stomach for which they did an upper stomach ultrasound (right side) but for some reason the lower right part they didn't check, which is what I am worried about. Also blood work two times, two ecgs, and even a ct scan on my head once for a terrible headache. I have had physicals (got poked and prodded and told nothing) and am taking Levothyroxine 25mcgs for a borderline hypothyroid condition. It was "normal" according to my doctor in February, but now I am wondering what is wrong with my body?! My doctor says everything is normal but I feel terrible. I was told to keep taking the thyroid medication and my levels are being checked in May. I hope I have not gone over in the mean-time, or that the medication is not causing side effects.

Some of my symptoms match hyper, some hypo, some are just baffling. Two hospital visits over different but equally frightening things have left me with no answers.

An Irregular/Missed Period

Had it for one, day, spotted a bit. It went away quickly.

Stomach/Abdominal pain

Being an anxious, hypersensitive person I have had this type of thing for years. Usually in the form of ibs type symptoms and some heartburn and reflux. Lately I have the stomach pains and reflux from hell. Complete with chest pain, food stuck feeling in my throat and chest, and belching constantly. For the past six days, ever since indulging in alcohol (have no idea if that triggered this off or what) I've had a right-sided discomfort that started off to the side of my upper middle abdomen and has now moved to near my belly button, where it sometimes goes down to my lower belly. However, the pain can be anywhere in my stomach too. Mostly the right though.
I would describe it very much as feeling like a near-constant pressure and gas and constipation feeling. If not for the brief twinges of very sharp pain that come and go. Nothing has progressed it has only stayed like this. The place under my right ribs is sore as well. There is alot of gurgling and I sometimes feel nauseous and not hungry. I can eat, I just can't eat much or I feel full too fast, and have issues. Dr. prescribed me some Omeprazole which I have not taken due to chest pain it may or may not have caused.

I have lost at least 10 pounds from eating too little.

Heart palpitations

My blood pressure has been slightly high the last few times I got it checked. So has my heart rate. Anxiety is really fun. I am used to that. What bothers me right now is the ectopic/skipped heart beats that seem to be getting more frequent. I also don't enjoy trying to walk on the treadmill only to feel chilled and nauseous and have my heart pound unpleasantly afterward.

Near Fainting, Fatigue and Light-headed ness

A couple days ago I was either just waking up, I had probably only been awake for a few moments, when I nearly blacked out while lying down on the bed. I felt like I could not breathe and watched my eyes going gray and could do nothing. I came out if before I passed out but I was frightened. It was like my heart was slowing..I have sleep issues because pain and anxiety make it hard to get to sleep. I also experience episodes of sleep paralysis.

Chest Pain

This is either Stress, Gerd, or my Heart, right? I get sharp sudden stabs of pain that come and go, or just a slight discomfort of pressure.

Frequent Headaches/Sudden onset:

Migraines, Tension, who knows. They are mainly on top, in the back, or on the left, at the temple. I have something called a burning skull sensation. (this sent me to the hospital once) it feels like someone set the inside of my head on fire. My scalp often tingles too. This started happening only in March. Right before the heart and stomach stuff got worse. I started taking Fioricet for migraines. It doesn't fix the burning, I stopped taking it.

Back Pain

Mid to lower back pain. Numb-feeling and tingling between my shoulders.

Leg Cramps

I had left leg cramps in my calf and foot tingling and coldness for a few months before that disappeared. I still get sharp pains sometimes.

Muscle Tension and Aches

Left Sided Symptoms like in my arm. My Arm gets heavy, like a dead weight
Also my neck gets tight as do my shoulders.


I don't usually get feverish at all.


My right eye is twitching. Blurry vision lately.

Slight Nausea

I have a high tolerance and don't usually throw up much.

I am 29, this is crazy. I doubt that is even it. Honestly, I have considered so many problems:

Pregnancy/Ectopic Pregnancy
Other female issues
Autoimmune Disorders: Already have thyroid issues, why not?
Heart Problems
*Thyroid still acting up. I don't trust these meds or lab results :<
*maybe gerd is causing alot of this.
*vagus nerve and sensitive nervous system
Nervous System Disorders
*Stress and Anxiety (I wish)
Every stomach disease known to man, like Appendicitis and all the rest.
Hernia, Ulcers, for instance. Too many to list.
Cancer. Who knows which one.
Vitamin Deficiency or Hormone Imbalance/*Electrolyte Imbalances
Food Allergies. I suspect gluten and dairy, sometimes.
Neurological Disorders
fibromalygia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue

I am going to pursue this with my doctor, therapist, psychiatrist and try to figure out what is going on, but in the meantime, if anyone has any notion or suggestion please let me know. I realize all these vague symptoms can't be connected. If one or two stand out or seem connected that would be helpful too. I have been worrying about dying young because of how bad I feel all the time. I can't enjoy life or do what I want to do.

13-04-14, 01:45
Have you read this:


13-04-14, 01:56
Ah, thanks. That list is helpful. :) Sorry for the super long post btw.

15-04-14, 20:32
hi I am new to this site. this post sounds like something I could have written. it always seems like docs are fobbing me off but reading through what real people are actualy writing rather than a doc telling me, makes me realise anxiety shows its self in many ways

20-04-14, 04:22
Yeah, anxiety is a great mimic of every and any disease on the planet. I find it very comforting somehow that so many of us go through the same things. At least there is some evidence we are not dying yet.

Update: Recently had a ct scan with contrast of my abdomen and chest and everything is normal except for distended bladder and possible uti. (always get those!) Also had another ekg which showed that I do have skipped beats, plus a generally high resting heart rate from stress. Going to have a sleep study, see a gastro and a cardiologist to make sure all is well. Maybe a nutritionist too! Going to work on my anxiety in the mean-time, though! Klonopin helps. So does remembering I am healthy and nothing is wrong with me.

When you feel depressed and anxious from worrying all the time, the best thing to do is tell yourself everything is going to be alright, and try to believe it no matter how you feel.
I wish I could take back all the hospital visits and tests now, and just have some faith in my body. Does anyone else find that after giving in to HA you feel worse afterward, whereas if you ignored it you feel better? :unsure:

23-05-14, 15:16
I know this is an older post but I wanted to join in. I was looking for a post entitled maybe 'I am always ill' or something like that, but found this. I have multiple symptoms, always tired, headaches, feeling sick, stomach aches, lumps coming up, irregular periods, you name it, I have it. I often have colds, flu and infections. I dont eat badly, or smoke yet seem to be constantly unwell. I think it might be stress causing it, or I have an unhealthy body I dont know.
I have paid a private doctor to test me for everything under the sun, he tested everything and said there was nothing physically wrong with me except a slight problem with Vitamin D and a slightly low testosterone level. But yet I still seem so ill.
I see colleagues at work, far older than I am, coming in an hour earlier than me, and going to gym class after they leave work. I barely put one foot in front of the other to get through the day. I am 40 and feel I am dying, I feel I am 90. Yet nothing can be done because, apparently, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH ME..
Is it in my mind? Am I mad? This makes me so depressed. Its like I am living half a life.
Hope you get some answers..

V xxx :)

23-05-14, 20:00
It sounds like classic GAD, which can be boiled down to the fear of impending doom. Repetitive thoughts and hypervigilance (constantly noticing/worrying about things) develop as the anxiety becomes a habit. You concentrate on these things because you're terrified that you might miss something important, or it will become worse if you don't think about it.

This is the trap which keeps people trapped in GAD - it convinces you that you must keep worrying about things in order to save yourself from them, but that's a bit like not walking near a black cat to avoid having bad luck. It's superstitious thinking that ultimately doesn't benefit you. What harm could a black cat possibly do to you? Equally, if you ignore the signs of anxiety (difficult, I know), what is really going to happen? Is your heart going to get offended and go into cardiac arrest? Not only does it not work like that, your heart is designed to keep you alive for as long as possible. If you aren't worrying about your heart, you're letting it get on with its job, which it knows how to do and can be trusted with.

Recovering from anxiety is a bit like discovering faith, only this time, it's faith in yourself, that you'll be all right come what may. That may sound agonizing and maybe patronising, but believe me, every time you think a "What if?", tell yourself "I'll handle it". There is very little that anxiety can say back to that.

01-06-14, 09:31
I know I started this a long time ago.

To Psycho Poet. You are absolutely correct and I actually did not respond because I went offline in an attempt to stop googling so much and reduce some of the ruminations. Anxiety can be killer! Saying, "I got this" or ignoring it entirely is often the only way out of the trap.

Hello, Mrs.Vyse. I think we as human beings are all somewhat mad, but that is alright too. It may just be that the body is supposed to feel twinges and aches and that is normal for it, as it is constantly adjusting and living. The real problem we have tends to be our mind's reactions to these changes. From seeing comments from people who have been diagnosed with actual illnesses, I have come to embrace my health more, if only a little. Each and every day I struggle, but I am still breathing!