View Full Version : my positive experience on citalopram

13-04-14, 08:46
Looking at everything everyone says on the forums drove me mad. Citalopram/celexa helped me through a rough patch. A bit weirded out because everyone makes it sound like starting A.D.’s was real hell as well as quitting them. Starting citalopram at 20mg I had no freaky symptoms. After a year of treatment, I decided to quit, I wanted to remember what I was like before the A.D’S.

Cons of starting them: None at all. Just had to watch how much I had to drink. Sex drive, sort of was cut in half

Pros of starting them: totally helped me with my depression, felt like a had a healthy serotonin level, like other lucky, normal humans who don’t get depressed. I felt fine.

Cons of stopping them: Obviously, brain zaps for a week and a half. Bit of a headache. My lifelong paranoia is back. I look around to see if someone is following me all the time.

Pros of stopping them: I’m much more conscious and careful about my responsibilities; as if a tad of anxiety gets me a healthily worried about exams and work. Stuff tastes yummier, and I can drink when I go out again. I’m less careless. Sex drive is back, ˇDepression is gone for now!

So to everyone who is starting them, don’t stop taking them because people in forums are having seizures and all these extreme symptoms, chances are, you’ll have no secondary effects when starting, and only a couple of weeks of annoying brain zaps when you stop. Citalopram is a real life saver, it helped me put on a pair of glasses of clarity when I was really depressed, a year after, I can take them off and go on with my life. I don’t go oh hi, I’m (x) and I take citalopram.

Anyone can have a sick stomach, an earache, as much as they can have a mind that isn’t well. Don’t wallow in it, and treat it, if you can, get better and move on. Thinking citalopram is just making it worse doesn't help it make you better. If you cannot stop medication, that's ok remember AD’s don’t define you.

13-04-14, 22:35
Hi Ceridwen.

I like the glasses of clarity comparison...I really can relate to that. Stuff that was a big deal four months ago just simply isn't now :)