View Full Version : Als fear hitting hard

13-04-14, 12:54
Hi over the last 6 months ive had some wierd twitches all over my body i can see them and some of you know how worrying they were. They still are there just not so servere . Worst was my eye lid closing that upset me but its better than it was. I was always reasured it was nothing and diagnosed bfs for myself . A few months before i was in pain with my arm later i saw a dent in it.i went to the dr who said if it stops hurting dont worry...now though i cant do simple things like fold washing my arms ache climing the stairs my legs ache when im at the top they hurt i wake up stiff and achey im so worried its something serious .....

13-04-14, 13:30
Pepsi I seriously have the same issues. The top of my legs ache so bad. When you have BFS it can cause muscle pain. Here is the good news, ALS doesn't usually have pain. If there is pain it happens way after muscle weakness. If you had ALS you wouldn't be able to lift your leg to go up the stairs.

13-04-14, 13:51
Thankyou Roseeve for your reply and continued support. my legs ache when i reach the top of the stairs and when im getting my daughters top on i have to rest my arms for a minute xx

13-04-14, 14:07
Do you have little ones that you carry around?

13-04-14, 20:19
Not really my 3 year old a little bit....

13-04-14, 20:40
Hey there Pepsi...

I recall some posts about ALS fears here. I believe one of the OPs actually did stuff like hop around on one foot and some other nonsense due to the fear :huh:

.002% of the general world population gets this disease. You stand a much better chance of being struck by lighting than getting ALS.

Positive thoughts

13-04-14, 20:45
Ummmmm it's not non sense Fishmanpa it's what dr. Google tells us to do. Obviously legit ;)

13-04-14, 21:00
Lol yes it is true , dr google tells us to stand on one leg , jump up the stairs and do silly exercises over and over again perfectly normal if you ask me ha ha ha ha :-)) x

13-04-14, 21:13
Well if Dr. Google says so..... ;) Do you ever wonder what Dr. Google is doing after you listen to him?

"Let me see... if I tell them to hop around on one foot while hopping up the stairs, will they do it?... OMG... they're doing it!!!!" :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

14-04-14, 01:06

14-04-14, 07:45

16-04-14, 00:13
Good thinking fishmapa ....!!

16-04-14, 17:14
I am finding it really difficult as I have this dent in the top of my arm it stopped bothering me but now the aching has returned its aching with me just typing I did have an xray but it didn't show anything but im pretty sure I have something horrible is never normal to be like this

17-04-14, 13:49
Roseeve and fishmapa..I had to comment after the dr. Google comment and just say.... "LMAO" to be honest i wish it didnt exist. Im going through an MS scare now and google has me prety much convinced. Its crazy!!! I feel a tingle and my foot falls asleep quicker than usual now, wich some say anxiety cuz it comes and goes but of course the 150 causes it could be dont catch my eye but the 1 MS cause has me loosing it... i think like this i mean if u google hair falling out and ms im sure someone in the world has had this. So w.e symptom i feel if i tie it to ms google will find it.

DAMN YOU GOOGLE... btw just to note i have never been a forum type of person but i have to admit reading and contributing to this does help.

17-04-14, 14:11
I totally agree marshal I wish google didn't exist. I didn't even know ALS existed! I could have went my whole life without knowing hundreds of terrible diseases.

17-04-14, 18:28
I absolutely agree, cause if google I know to much information about certain diesease and this one is one of them even after going to two different doctors who said no you don't have it and so after that bit later then I started to get symptoms after reading about them wired hey, I'm tired of all of this!!! I just want to feel good and not worry anymore. I hope your feeling better!!

17-04-14, 21:10
Tinker28, Roseve ..that's actually funny that you said that because I was actually curious if anxiety can make you feel physical symptoms... even when you not at your most anxious. do you think this is possible??
my symptoms are not constant but they have been going on for a few days. I actually have moments more that I don't feel them then when I do. its like a few seconds to a minute then go away... you think this could be anxiety?? I just find it so hard to believe that it can do this when your actually not that anxious...like I actually feel them. do you think im more aware of other symtptoms that I have rob felt before but now I am scared of MS so I relate them?? I feel theses things...
then I google and BAM I have MS. sorry for all the questions I just m new and feel like im lying to myself saying its axiety.