View Full Version : Panic free for three years and now its almost returned!

13-04-14, 14:08
Hi everyone,

Feeling really low today as I'm on the verge of an attack. Feeling really mad at myself as I have done so well for so long, and now all I can think is that I'm going to be panicking all day everyday again for years. I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear :(.

13-04-14, 14:29
That's a distorted thought right there that's just going to lead back to it, because now you're building anticipation.
If you do panic, it's just your body mistaking a thought or sensation for danger that isn't one. Your body is not super sensitive at this point like someone dealing with panic for years, since youve had a good break, so if you feel a sensation, just state it for what it is and let it roll. Attacks come and they suck but they do go away so long as you aren't fearing them and pushing more adrenaline out. Stay in the moment, don't fear it, it's just a bodily misfire and youre going to be okay.

Check your thoughts! Maybe start seeing a therapist/psych?