View Full Version : Emetophobia and anxiety

13-04-14, 15:04
I'm 19 and I have emetophobia since I was 9. At that age, I also had school phobia and didn't go to school for a few months. I was in a mental hospital for 2 weeks and on the therapy. I overcome it, but it was hard, I barely ate, lost weight, I was nauseaus all the time thinking I'm gonna throw up. I was doing ok after all that, I have friends, good grades, planning to go to faculty. My emetophobia is not so so bad (well for normal people it would be,but I was doing ok, although it has affected some areas of my life, like going on a trip with my class and that stuff), except when I think I can catch sv or get food poisoning. Last week my friend had sv and ofc i was really scared,but I couldn't avoid her. I didn't catch it. After few days I ate some cream cake at school from one girl and later I found out it was made 5 days ago and it was with cream! Then I was little worried but thought Oh it can't happen to me..that evening I felt so so so nauseaus and I almost threw up. My mother gave me Reglan and I was better but didn't sleep all night because I was so nervous. The next day I was fine in the morning, had a tea.and ate some bread,but when i was going to school i started to feel really nauseaus and took another reglan. I was fine and before school was over I was nauseaus again thinking I'm goin to throw up. And when I came home i was better! that night was great, not nausea, slept all night and i was fine at school..ate normally but I went back to school that afternoon (it wasn't necessary) and when i got to the classroom i felt so sick.when i came home i was fine..then i thought omg what if my school phobia is coming back..from then on i had waves of nausea.i don't know what to do. that's anxiety,no? I am so scared becuse I have to go to school..i'm graduating this year. What alshould I do? Yesterday evening i was really nauseaus and took helex..i woke up one hour after and i was shaking and felt nausea..but i fell asleep then..what should i do?? I don't want to be nauseus all the time. i have to go out from my house but i feel like i can't