View Full Version : Gaining weight with anxiety

13-04-14, 15:47
I have out on one stone and a half since my cancer fears started two years ago .

How depressing ! Consumed myself with anxiety that I'm now not myself on the outside never mind the inside .

Still having a bad day today with my fears . will this ever go away :(

Suddenly all I want to do is eat rubbish and now I can see the pattern here , unfortunately every day is a bad day and I can't afford gain anymore weight .

Anyone else feel like this or have any tips ? It would be appreciated

13-04-14, 17:14
Yes, when I'm depressed I've found I either lose my appetite, or suddenly I just want to eat and eat and eat. Not cos the food is good or because I'm hungry, I can't really explain. Maybe more like a 'what the hell' attitude.

13-04-14, 18:19
I tend to get a hell of an appetite when worried, I don't feel comfortable while eating but I just have to!then I feel bad and my jeans don't fit even more!

13-04-14, 19:02
Maybe a wee 'positive' is that you're gaining weight and not losing it.... Which would probably kick your HA up a notch even higher! :) xx

13-04-14, 19:36
Maybe a wee 'positive' is that you're gaining weight and not losing it.... Which would probably kick your HA up a notch even higher! :) xx

😄😄😄 very true !! If I had lost weight god knows what would be going through my mind

13-04-14, 19:50
I went through a phase of not wanting to diet due to weight loss fear! I was purposely gaining just to make sure I wasn't losing! HA sure makes you do crazy stuff xx