View Full Version : 5th day on Celexa!!

13-04-14, 16:25
I must say my 4th day was the worse! Celexa is my 4th anti is the past 5 months and i don't think i ever got the chance to get use to any of them! The 4th day i woke up i was so scared and didn't even know why or what for, my eye sight was funny and fuzzy looking and i was a little shaky, couldn't be home alone with ,my kids because of the fear of being alone. My husband has been working late so i go to my mothers house til he gets off. It sucks cause i just want my normal life back. Have anyone had any of these symptoms with first starting Celexa? Today is my 5th day i woke up got the kids ready and came to my moms at 6 this morning, i don't want this to become a normal thing, i really cant explain how i feel its just not the normal me and i feel really tired and low energy!


13-04-14, 18:44
5th day you say? Start-up side effects, no doubt. Hang in there, Eve. It will get better, don't give in to panic and anxiety over the new feelings. Fuzzy head is common, don't blame you for not wanting to be alone. Same for the tiredness, low energy and not feeling yourself. I think these side effects are very common with most ADs. You aren't going to always be like this, it's just at start up, don't worry! A bit numb and confused is normal at this time, but if you start getting worse mentally, tell your mom or hubby that you need to be seen, okay?

13-04-14, 18:54
Your always so helpful! Thank you :bighug1:
It just freaks me out when im not normal and don't know whats going on with myself....

13-04-14, 20:09
YW, Eve! ... You know, without this site I don't think I would have been able to stick it out myself on my AD, as the side effects would have made me give up before the med had a chance to work - I had had no idea what to expect, and was so lucky to find all the answers and support here! The foggy head bothered me most of all, I thought, oh, no, I don't want to be depressed but I can't be happy like this, either! But as promised, this fog eased off, the jitters went away and now I feel a good-normal, focussed and confident! Do keep in mind that even though you are encouraged to stick it out with this trial and it is hoped this will be the drug for you, if it isn't, there are others still to try. Take heart, there will be a solution. If in coming days you really feel the need for something to counteract the anxiety, your doctor can put on his thinking cap and come up with a temporary measure I'm sure.

13-04-14, 20:53
This site is great, i google everything and i was just getting alot of feed back from other people and not my own, i was thinking to myself there has to be a chat room or something thatbi can talk to people about this with my same issues! I googled No More Panic and i found this site!! THANK GOD! IT GIVES ME HOPE!

but i really freaked out when i sarted to feel doomed and fear of death!!