View Full Version : In need of some reassurance

13-04-14, 16:34
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and would like some support taking meds. I have suffered with anxiety pretty much all my life but over the last month it has become unbearable. Years ago I took seroxat and had terrible side effects so am really frightened about taking setraline which has been prescribed to me by my gp. I have had them since Tuesday but been unable to take them as I am so scared. Really could do with some positive feedback on how they have helped you. I have also been given diazepam in case I get bad, do they really take away the panic attacks?

Thank you

13-04-14, 17:30
Hi I'm on citalopram and I had diazepam at the start to help me get through the side effects they do work to some degree but it will take your body a while adjust to seroxat as with most meds before you start to fill the benefits. Its worth it in the end to get some relief from your anxiety took 6 weeks for me but differs for everyone :)

13-04-14, 17:34
Hi thanks for the reply. What I am most worried about is feeling worse than I do now (if that's possible). I know I have to take these meds as I cannot carry on like this. I think I am going to try and take the first one tonight.

13-04-14, 17:42
The diazepam will help you get started and will easy your anxiety so try not to worry to much.

13-04-14, 17:52
Thank you. I am going yo try to take them before bed and guess I will have to wait and see how it goes.

13-04-14, 20:25
It took about three weeks on Citalopram before I started to feel better. Stay with the meds. Yes, the early days side effects are not pleasant to have to deal with.

13-04-14, 20:35
I am getting very anxious now as I know it's nearly time to take them. Was you able to still work whilst going onto your meds?

13-04-14, 21:10
I had a total crash at the start so I was off work for three weeks and my work was supportive when I went back. Although my boss knew my problems my work colleagues didn't and still don't ( I told them it was a tum problem ) and as it came under control it was easier being around people and having something that occupied my mind but that's me. If your worried about going to work tell your self that if I feel up to it I will go in if not I will my doc about it. It will take the stress off hopefully and no pressure

13-04-14, 22:42
So I sat here for over an hour with my tablet in my hand. I finally broke it in half and have just taken half. I am in such a panic now. Have I done the right thing. I am so scared!

14-04-14, 08:50
Thought I would keep a little diary on here of my progress. Took half a tablet last night and could not get to sleep worrying if I had done the right thing. I woke up at 5 feeling anxious but not sure if this is due to the tablet or my anxiety as this does happen. Managed to get back to seep until 7.30 where I woke up very tearful and a little spaced out. Feeling a bit anxious but mornings are always my worse time. Been up a little while now and the symptoms seem to be easing a bit. I think I will stick to half a tablet again tonight and try a whole one tomorrow night. Fingers crossed.