View Full Version : Can't stop thinking!

03-12-06, 13:04
Another weekend with things constantly going through my head! Shall I leave college? Shall I stay? I really don't think I can handle 4 and a hald years of stress! I keep thinking I want to leave but I don't know why I keep torturing myself!! I have a headache and my heads spinning! Driving me crazy! and then there's Christmas!! aaarrrgghhhh!!!!!

03-12-06, 13:18
hello Matt
take a deep breath and calm down try not to wind yourself up m8 have you got a relaxation tape you can listen to or a favourite bit of music that helps me when im tense

03-12-06, 13:47
Iv got a CD ill give that a listen later how are u feeling today?

03-12-06, 13:53
im a college student and i made it through all semester but right now im having terrible panic attacks all day long, just started on citalopram...feeling really awful this weekend think i might have to take a few days off. :-( i can relate to what you are going through!!!


03-12-06, 15:17
Hi matt,
my thoughts are with you...now i'm not exactly one to preach cos i dont work due to panic/anxiety ...but there are many that battle like you with college/school or work despite their terrible symptoms...i'm not in anyway playing down the difficulties you have but if you drop out will this cause you more worry and stress in that your anxiety has got the better of you! It's alot worse i feel to sit at home and regret and torture yourself and have more time to think about your anxiety all day ...well for me it's pretty bad I have more worry time i'm affraid! I know i have'nt got a right to judge on this cos i find it hard to take that step forward into the world of work but many have suggested that it could be the way forward...I hope i can soon get out there and achieve this! But i do know people my daughter is one that experience panic due to the stress of college and she has other friends like this too...they get physically sick most mornings but she has explained to the tutor and they are very understanding....she will not give in to the symptoms of stress and i'm all for it cos to run away ...well she'll end up like me! Think hard about it are you doing a course or subject that you really want to succeed in or is there something less demanding you could do? I hope things ease up for you ...have you tried talking to anyone at college about the probs you are having I know it's tough to open up to people but you may be suprised and get some helpful suggestions! Good luck i'll be thinking of you and dont keep torturing yourself over this is i'm sure things will get better for you! Take Care jodiex

J Baker

03-12-06, 15:29
Hi Matt,

I really think you should ty to relax, I understand the thoughts and the spinning head and then the headache that follows, I do it often!

However once you manage to relax, things have a habit of settling down and falling into place, just give it a little time, you will regret it in the future if you don't.

Take care of yourself


03-12-06, 15:32
Hi Matt,

Chin up and keep smiling. Hugs for you today xoxo

Take Care


03-12-06, 17:50
Hi Matt,
I started a four year course in september and it has been a big struggle so i understand where you are coming from. Its hard but i find it helps if I just take one day at a time and keep reminding yourself of how well you have done so far, you survived that very first day when everything was new & really scary and i have found nothing has been harder than that day!
If you like the course and it will get you where you want in the future then keep fighting and dont give it up, you will have blips (ive had lots!) but it will get easier.

Apologies for the essay, good luck & take care
Suzy x:)x

03-12-06, 20:29
Im ok when I am there its just when I am at home and I start thinking its so frustrating! I did the course because I want to be somebody one day oh well counselling tomorrow sure that'll help :) thanks for all your comments, suggestions and positive vibes :)

04-12-06, 00:43
sorry to hear things are bad...we've all been there...what ive learnt is that the anxiety is controlling me..the thoughts are thoughts we are letting dominating us and its so hard to think positive we just give up....dont give up...instaed take a week off...get help ...all the help you can...take it from me dont wait years do it now