View Full Version : Head pains

13-04-14, 19:49
I am getting stabbing ache like pains in the top right of my head. I was very concerned about this a few months ago, but I've not had the pains for a while so not been too worried about it. But today they've started again, same spot. It's the top right of my head, I could even point to the spot it is it's that localized.
I'm really frightened I have an unruptured aneurysm. I've been to the doctor about it before, she said she wasn't concerned but to get my eyes tested for reassurance. I didnt because I was too scared, and quickly moved onto heart worries soon after.
I really do need the support of the people on this site. I've noticed the last few times ive posted no one has replied really. I don't know if that's because I don't always reply on here to other people's. The reason for that is, I worry that if I reply I'll tempt fate and something bad will happen. I have written lengthy replies to people several times then deleted it, out of some new and strange fear.
I really do value the support on here, and need it, as I get none, Infact the opposite, at home.
Does anyone get these kind of headaches?x

13-04-14, 20:46
I do. I also fully believe I have an unruptured aneurysm. For what its worth I've been worrying for an entire year nearly a year. I think it would have ruptured by now.

Oh and I've googled, researched anything I can about aneurysms and head pains are an extremely rare symptom. Your brain doesn't feel pain so the symptoms are from an aneurysm pressing on nerves/tissue causing neuro symptoms like dilated pupil, drooping eyelid, blurred vision, pain behind / above eye but not headaches.

I probably should take my advice but I hope it puts you at ease, I iwsh it could me lol x

13-04-14, 21:02
I think those are called ice pack headaches. They're terrifying but not serious. I used to get them all the time, I still do sometimes.

13-04-14, 21:03
Thankyou roxy, that is really helpful. It just came on out of nowhere today and I thought oh no, not this one again. It was my heart yesterday. The thing is if I get a headache anywhere else I'm not bothered. It's just when it's that particular area I completely freak out.
I'm debating making a doctor's appointment, but she will probably say the same thing. Ahh, dunno what to do. X

13-04-14, 21:07
Mine go from aneurysms, blood clots, appendicitis, heart attack, back to aneurysms depending what's hurting most at the time. Some fears go, the aneurysm and blood clot never go x

13-04-14, 21:10
Hi jimmy,
Yeah I've heard of those too. I just worry that they're not in other areas of my head. Or maybe they are but I just don't pay attention unless it's in the area that worries me! I wonder if they can recur in the same spot? Thanks for your reply.x

13-04-14, 21:11
Oh and the majority of aneurysms are located in the circle of Willis at the base of the brain, not the top right of your head x

13-04-14, 21:25
I'm the same roxy. Mine are aneurysm, heart attack, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Yesterday I had such bad heart anxiety I resorted to drinking wine, which is just ridiculous, and probably why I've got a headache today. But even this thought process doesn't help me rationalise. I had an ongoing pain over my heart, which was lasting longer than an hour. I did some weights the day before, so I probably pulled something in my chest. But no, it was my heart. Today, convinced it's something serious in my head. Literally, two huge health problems in 48 hours. How do you try to rationalise? X

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:17 ----------

Yeah, my doctor said that too. She said if it was an aneurysm you'd more than likely have pains right at the base of your skull. Thanks for reminding me! Xx

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

And when I say drinking wine I mean like, in the middle of the day. Not out with friends normal wine drinking. I will mention this to the psychologist when I see het, definitely not a path I want to go down x

13-04-14, 21:27
I have costochondritis which is so painful I panic about my heart. The only way I can psychically rationalise it is by poking myself , if I can reproduce the pain its not a heart attack.

The others I cant really rationalise. I just panic, worry, panic and then worry again. Distraction is the key for me really othetwirse i'd probably cry all day. I have a little girl, 8 months pregnant and just finished for maternity leave so I just force myself to get on with things. I don't think about it for hours and I sort of forget I'm a hypochondriac, until my next twinge ache pain etc!

13-04-14, 21:44
Yeah, I find distraction is the best thing too. I can go for a week sometimes without any major panics. But this weekend they've come back and given me a nice big slap in the chops.
Thankyou for your replies, calmed me down a lot :)x

13-04-14, 21:49
Your welcome. Its nice to talk yo someone who has the same worries as me, my family and friends don't understand x

13-04-14, 22:11
Same here. PM me if you ever need a chat, I know I could use one sometimes! X

13-04-14, 22:15
Same to you, PM me if you ever need a chat or anything because I'm always here worrying about something lol x

13-04-14, 22:21
Haha, I will do. Speak soon :) xx

13-04-14, 23:00
Yes They can occur in one spot, mine's always been this spot on the right side on the back of my head

14-04-14, 02:14
Yeah, mine is on the right but at the top. Thanks jimmy, that's reassuring to know. X

---------- Post added 14-04-14 at 02:14 ---------- Previous post was 13-04-14 at 23:33 ----------

I'm wide awake and frantically trying to find info on unruptured aneurysms. I'm worried I might have one and that's why I'm having a localized headache. What I'm trying to find out is, would the headache of an unruptured large one be persistent or would it come and go. Does anyone know or have any info? My searches are too detailed and just can't find anything, but getting more scared

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 02:54
I have been having those same pains today! Only mine feel like they are shooting down through my eye and out my nostril. I've had it before and the doctor said it could be sinus pain, which I have indeed had sinus issues lately since I have been sick. But after googling I'm convinced it's something deadly.... now the pains include the lower back of my head, but mayb it's getting worse cuz I'm clenching my teeth like crazy... the thing that sucks it's no matter how many rational answers I come up with, deep down I can't let myself believe them

14-04-14, 11:06
LF87 , I dont think there is a single piece of research on unruptured aneurysms that I haven't read. I could never find anything on if the symptoms are on/off or constant. It's very frustrating when you're desperate to know something and can't find it.

All I can say is that head pains aren't even listed as a symptom on some sites. Having symptoms is unusual as it is, head pains are even more so. I know how you feel obviously as I fear it too. I have made plenty of aneurysm threads over the past year, if you have time to have a look through (and alll my other illnesses too!) there was some really really useful advice. I used to be so irrational over this, and you can see it through my old posts.

Looking back through them makes me realise just how much I have improved. I'm not there fully, of course I'm not. I'm panicking right now I have a blood clot/brain aneurysm (blood clot worse today as have a low grade fever so now I'm in huge panic mode). But I've spent a year worrying about this, and I'm still here. Nothing has ruptured, nothing has happened. I am still standing, which I never thought I would be in a million years. x