View Full Version : It was nearly 999 again!!

13-04-14, 21:39

I have just gone in the car...only up to the road to the shop to get a couple of things....I stood at the counter to pay the money for what I had bought and a SURGE of pressure when from my chest up to my neck just like it was going to be THE end.... how I managed not to pass out I just don't know.... I felt like I couldn't breathe and as though I was going to go mad/mental and I was just about to say to the shopkeeper call 999 as I was feeling terrible just like I was going into another world, then I took my change and shuffled to the car...once I got in the car, the intenseness started to slightly ease but I drove home very very slowly as I thought I was going to have it come all over me again, but it didn't.. but now I feel worn out because of it all...I keep hoping that I wont have anymore panic attacks.. but they still keep coming and no matter that I do I still get them.
what a life eh:scared15::scared15: The last time I had a mega attack was in December and the ambulance took me to A&E after loads of tests they let me go home, I always feel a complete fool afterwards, but the thing is as we all know... when you are in an attack nobody but nobody can help you as you feel as if you really are going to the other side and this is THE end...
The most frightening thing for me now is, whereas years ago, I could have panic attack and get over it.. these days I seem to have far more intense symptoms with a heaviness on my chest going up to my neck... I always think it is angina or something, but I have been told by many doctors that I am fine!! trouble is HOW can I be fine if I am having this year in year out:scared15:

14-04-14, 00:00
The exact same thing happened to me in the shop this evening I just kept thinking "you know the drill, you've felt this before" but I was terrified and fell asleep exhausted when I got home. I know how you're feeling, I'm waiting to hear of dates when I'll be having cbt, just hope it helps, the positive thing is that the advice I've had here stopped me from completely freaking out and I got through it as awful as it was. Hope this never happens to either of us again! Stay strong.

14-04-14, 04:05
Do you know what the triggers are?

After the trigger, there is a period where the Reflex Reaction (1st stage of panic) talks to the Interpretative Reaction (2nd stage of panic), and the 2nd stage talks back, so they bounce off each other untiil it spills over and becomes a PA.

If you can work out what your triggers are, you can try to stop yourself going into this panic loop that ultimately results in a PA. I know this sounds straightforward and I know it's far from that, but perhaps it might help you?

14-04-14, 16:39
Omg I could have. Written this thread I am same as you at one time I could have a panic attack get over it but been this way over forty years and now I struggle lot more infact I would say I am in a state of anxiety waiting for my next attack and I read one of yr replies I don't really no wat sets my attack off I assume its dome kinda of sensation could be any were in my body can set my heart racing and BMG panic kicks not sure after forty yes of the constant battle. I get scared this is my life now. X

14-04-14, 17:26
Do you know what the triggers are?

After the trigger, there is a period where the Reflex Reaction (1st stage of panic) talks to the Interpretative Reaction (2nd stage of panic), and the 2nd stage talks back, so they bounce off each other untiil it spills over and becomes a PA.

If you can work out what your triggers are, you can try to stop yourself going into this panic loop that ultimately results in a PA. I know this sounds straightforward and I know it's far from that, but perhaps it might help you?

This is good advice. I was reading something yesterday, possibly on here, that it takes about three minutes for the panic surge to appear after a trigger ... is it possible that you think back and remember something before you went into the shop? Did you have anticipatory anxiety beforehand ?

Remember, you are ok, it didn't harm you at all it just scared you. Take care.

Lisa x

14-04-14, 19:40
Hi TelBoy

Sorry you had this happen. It is horrible. What were your thoughts as you were waiting to get to the till? Were you anxious about it, or did the sensations come out of nowhere? If we are already anxious about a situation which is about to occur, it can bring on a panic (known as "anticipatory anxiety"). As Terry said, it is helpful to identify the trigger.

What's important here is to realise that while it felt awful, nothing bad happened. That's because panic is not dangerous. It is simply a release of adrenaline. Its purpose is to make us "fight or flight" in an emergency, but us anxiety sufferers sense emergency when there isn't one.

It would be a really good idea to go back to that shop and put yourself in the situation again, as avoiding it can create anticipatory anxiety. If you panic, that's ok. Just stay with the feelings and it will get easier.

Good luck

16-04-14, 12:17
Thanks people for the replies:))):D

I just think to myself,, how much more can one take regarding all this panic attack lark.... what a terrible way to live eh:scared15:

I FEEL that I am a positive person, but I just wish I could take my brain out, and wash it and put it back in my head... wouldn't it be great if we could do that:))