View Full Version : terrified I have an std :-(

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 03:32
So two months ago, I kissed my best friend on the lips. Closed mouth. She didn't have a cold sore. Two days later I started getting this funny feeling on the back of my tongue which has been there ever since. Two doctors said it could be sinus drainage irritation and that it looked like irritated taste buds. I also think it started right when I bought this new whitening toothpaste I had never used before. But ever since then I've been terrified I caught something from her that she may have gotten from her boyfriend and doesn't realize she has and then I have or will spread it to my entire family. The last couple weeks our whole family has been sick. I convinced myself we were all having an outbreak and it's my fault. There are no cold sores on anyone but my kids have been rashy occasionally. My husband has an ear infection and I'm scared it's related to herpes. I've had Sharp pains in my muscles, calf tightness, fatigue, nausea, head pains, groin pain, frequent urination, you name it... now I'm worried I gave herpes spreading to my brain. I developed eye pain and scratchiness since yesterday abd I'm convinced it's ocular herpe. I was at the ER for seven hours two days ago. They did blood tests, leg ultrasound, chest xrays and Urine test. They said I had bronchitis, abd didn't know why I was having muscle pains. Here's my question.....is it possible that I am so scared I contracted herpes that I am causing my own symptoms? Or should I be legitimately afraid??? I am losing so much sleep out of fear...

14-04-14, 04:25
To contract HSV1, you have to come in contact with someone who has it. Does your friend have it? Even at that, some people get the virus and never have an outbreak.

An outbreak typically would be a cold sore. What you describe is not herpes I assure you. Keep in mind that HSV, type one and type two is very common. 1 in four has it and that's conservative because many have the virus and never know it.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 05:33
Thank you for your reply. Lately I've been trying to come to this site and stop googling every single symptom I get. I hope to someday get a handle on my HA before it completely takes over my life

14-04-14, 10:15
Have you ever looked into candida as a source of your symptoms? I discovered that it was causing many of my symptoms - pain, fatigue, anxiety, strange taste in my mouth, brain fog etc etc - I had so many symptoms at one point that I can't even remember them all. Since I started treatment for it my health anxiety is at an all time low, in fact it's barely existant. Just goes to show how much this thing can muck with your brain. I would look into it if I were you. Doctors are pretty hopeless at diagnosing though, so you're better off finding someone who had experience treating it.

14-04-14, 12:05
Hey Worried 24/7.

Although I am not claiming to be 100% better and wonderful etc (I still have anxiety and depression on and off all the time) I did used to have HA and it is a million times better now - like you, I didn't think I would ever be better. If I ever want to check symptoms now I only ever allow myself to look at trusted websites e.g. NHS online. If you Google two things together e.g. "sore finger cancer" Google will automatically find something associating the two, which is not helpful when it comes to HA as the article/response it finds will most likely be some obscure cr*p that has no true medical grounding whatsoever.

As far as I am aware, if the cold sore is not visible and (meaning the herpes simplex isn't currently triggered) you can't catch it anyway, so if you couldn't see any sore then you wouldn't be able to catch anything.

If you have been diagnosed with bronchitis then that would explain why you and all your family are sick - the herpes simplex does not cause cold-like symptoms.

Danny Xxx

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

P.s. Muscle pains and spasms are classic anxiety symptoms - it sounds like you have really worked yourself up with this, you poor thing, so no wonder your muscles feel like they do. Xxx

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 14:32
Thank you everyone for replying. My life has become a daily struggle and in scared of affecting my children with my behavior. I know I seem crazy to most people. Honestly I think my HA traces back to when I started doubting there is a God. I think I thought, well if there is no God, then when you die, that's it. You're gone forever. So now I'm terrified of dying because I'm scared to not exist ever again. I feel like if I got my faith back, my HA would improve, but I don't know how to do that or if I even can. It's so depressing. And also, they did a pelvic exam and urine test at the hospital and said they didn't detect any yeast. It's that what you meant by candida? And herpes does have flu like symptoms. That's a big part of my fears I think because I'm so nauseas and tired. One night I woke up at two and freaked out and started googling for hours. It's completely disrupting my life at this point. Some days I will spend all day googling symptoms trying to find a solid diagnosis that isn't what I'm fearing. It's getting ridiculous. Every tiny ache or pain terrifies me. I just don't know how to be a normal person or enjoy normal activities anymore :-(

15-04-14, 16:55
Hey worried,

Not sure where you got the information about Herpes having flu like symptoms but NHS doesn't list it, and they should know! Maybe Dr Google has lead you astray?

Danny xxx

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53 ----------

I know what you've read - you are thinking of genital herpes, not cold sores! That's a different thing. Xxx

Worried 24/7
25-04-14, 02:04
I'm freaking out again because all of a sudden I have this sore spot down there that feels raw and hurts to touch it. It doesn't look like a big nasty sore. If anything it just looks slightly red. But now my herpes fears are creeping back up and I'm terrified. So how likely is it that I kissed my friend(don't know if she has it, never seen a cold sore on her), and then I kissed my husband and then he spread it to be down there?? Is my mind just going crazy or should I be scared? What else could cause this painful spot??

Worried 24/7
25-04-14, 16:41
Anyone think I'm just being anxious??

25-04-14, 17:40
If you have a visible lesion, it can be swabbed and tested. There are also blood tests that will determine if you're affected and with what type.

HSV 1 (cold sores) is pretty obvious as is Type 2 (genital). Contrary to what the NHS says about it, Type 2 can cause flu like symptoms during an outbreak. There is a slim possibility of transferring the virus even when it's not active (shedding) but unless you were making out heavily and this friend is affected, the chances are slim to none.

Both are quite common with type 1 being more prevalent and both are herpes.

If you're not sure or still worried, see your doctor.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
25-04-14, 18:23
I just can't get to a doctor right now so I'm freaking out:-( it just looks like a red irritated spot. I'm wondering if I could be a yeast infection because I was on antibiotics recently....I'm just so worried now

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

I had blood tests done recently but I don't know what they tested for...he knew I was worried about herpes though. But I think cuz when he came back my mom was in the room he just said the rest of the tests would take a couple days. The rule is if nothing is positive they won't call and they never called...but I don't even really know what they tested for :-/

25-04-14, 18:30
I just can't get to a doctor right now so I'm freaking out:-( it just looks like a red irritated spot. I'm wondering if I could be a yeast infection because I was on antibiotics recently....I'm just so worried now

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

I had blood tests done recently but I don't know what they tested for...he knew I was worried about herpes though. But I think cuz when he came back my mom was in the room he just said the rest of the tests would take a couple days. The rule is if nothing is positive they won't call and they never called...but I don't even really know what they tested for :-/

What's the big deal if it is?... Millions and millions and millions have herpes (more than 1 in 4). I've had it since I was a teen... no biggie! They advertise remedies on TV for goodness sakes.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
25-04-14, 21:23
I guess the shame of if I spread it to my family.

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 ----------

And then the worry of ocular herpes and herpes spreading to my brain....

25-04-14, 21:28
"Two doctors said it could be sinus drainage irritation and that it looked like irritated taste buds. I also think it started right when I bought this new whitening toothpaste I had never used before."

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