View Full Version : struggling

14-04-14, 08:40
I'm really struggling at the mo. I find myself constantly getting stressed and worked up. I don't know what to do but I'm so unhappy in my life.

14-04-14, 16:16
You get stressed when you carry things around on your mind that you're not happy with or dealing with.
Take a moment and write down what is consistently on your mind that you'd like to change.

14-04-14, 17:08
Write down what is making you unhappy in life, and tackle one thing at a time and change things for the better....it wont get better over night, but if you can do something about it why not give it a try

14-04-14, 17:27
Writing things down really helps me too, once I see it all in front of me I feel more in control and less overwhelmed by it all x

15-04-14, 01:40
Hi Hayley, I know how you feel :) Im so down and disappointed with my life. Ive been feeling very depressed over the last few weeks. You're not alone :hugs: