View Full Version : Doctors and hypochondriacs

14-04-14, 11:24
Ok, so today I had an appointment with my gp, which I booked a couple weeks back due to one swollen gland in my neck that hasn't disappeared in 4 weeks... I went to the doctors about this plenty of times when I first noticed this gland because its pretty big, and there's only one on my neck... Anyway every single time I've been they've pushed me away and told me I'm wasting their time and that I'm a healthy 22 year old... However when I went today, the doctor has organized some tests for me, first one is a blood test which is tomorrow morning, and another one which I have to wait for contact of the hospital to tell me when I can go for the test.. he didn't really explain it too well to me but he did say, "it could be nothing, it could be lymphoma cancer"... Well yeah, as you can probably tell this has scared me, and the doctor knowing my history of worrying and constant visits. Why would he say something like that when he knows il be going out of my mind... He also said "its pretty big isn't it" talking about the gland in my neck.. which adds more to my worry.. I don't really know what to do right now, I'm actually being physically sick with worry now. I've also heard lymphoma is more common in teenagers and young adults.... Im trying so hard to think positive but I just can't seem to do it at the moment :(... Also I'm wondering what sort of tests will they perform and why do they want me to have a blood test??

14-04-14, 11:31
It's not cancer till they say it's cancer!

Dont stress, glands come up and stay up all the time. In all shapes and sizes.
As the doctor says, could be nothing, could be something but he's checking anyway :)

14-04-14, 11:40
Hey Jordan,

Blood tests are done all the time as a general sort of 'check-up' to make sure there's no sign of infection etc. which might explain why your gland is swollen. My friend had a swollen gland in her neck, it basically had an infection but not a harmful one at all, they drained it off and it was all fine. Usually the least sinister answers are the ones that happen.

I don't know if you've tried this but what used to help me with my HA is if you do a chart with three columns and write 'worst outcome', 'neutral outcome' and 'best outcome' at the top of each, then write down what the chances are of it being each outcome. That way it gives you a more balanced way of looking at things, rather than only focussing on the bad. Chances are you've had some sort of cold or mild infection and your gland has just swollen to fend it off.

Also, if you are constantly poking at it and feeling it, chances are you are making it stay up because you are disturbing it all the time! You won't be doing yourself any harm but you might be creating yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy: "My gland is up *prods gland* and it's staying up... It's still up *pokes at it again* and it won't go down" etc etc.

Hope that helps you. It sounds like if you are worrying so much the main thing you need to talk to docs about, and get treated for, is the HA rather than any other symptoms you fear you may be having.

Danny Xxx

14-04-14, 14:23
Hi, thanks for your quick replies... I will point out just before the gland popped up I had a sore throat, which was agony to swallow. That went after 4-5 days but since then this one gland on the left side of my neck has been swollen. Its not a circle more of a stretched oval type shape but its pretty big, and I stopped poking and prodding it after my first visit to the gp as they said it irritates it, so its not due to me prodding. I mean I don't even have to feel it to know its there, Its visible when I look in the mirror... I'm not even going to lie, i am absolutely terrified :(

14-04-14, 22:12
Please try not to worry, you are in the capable hands of health professionals. I think your doctor was being quite extremist saying that, like "you could drive to work safely tomorrow, you could be in a ten car pile up" .... Know what I mean?

15-04-14, 09:01
Hi jonesle, thanks for replying... You make a good point.. I just thought because of my anxiety and constant visits to the doc, why would he say something like that to me knowing its going to add to my worries.. I'm not sure if he's saying that could be the worse case scenario or he actually believes I might have it.. I mean if I knew someone to have anxiety I wouldn't tell them something that might add to their fears, it wouldnt be very nice of me to do that so why would the doctor say that. He also told me that he put an URGENT notice on it which is worrying me more

15-04-14, 09:07
It's not very nice of him to say that tbh, like saying to someone scared to leave their home "yeah you could be fine outside, or you could get mugged and stabbed" it's not very nice, I'm sure if he really thought lymphoma was a likely diagnoses you'd be on a fast track to the hospital to see a specialist x

15-04-14, 09:16
Hopefully your right,. I am also experiencing other symptoms but I'm not sure if they're due to anxiety, cause they're not always there.

15-04-14, 16:48
Hi Jordan, with the symptoms you said with regards the hard to swallow sore throat it sounds a LOT like you've had tonsillitis. I used to get it all the time and it does make your glands go massive, even for a while after it's calmed down! In a way it's a good thing - it just shows you that your body is fighting the infection, and it's doing a good job of it if your symptoms settled after just a few days.

The comment your doctor made was insensitive but I think they probably didn't realise how much it would upset you - they just made it as a flippant comment, not taking into consideration how it might have felt for you.

Jonesie makes a good point when he says if they really thought it was Lymphoma they would have you at the hosp ASAP.

Good luck with it all,

Danny xxx

16-04-14, 10:19
Well an update on my situation.. Gave bloods yesterday morning, recieved a phone call today confirming my appointment with a head and neck specialist which is on Tuesday morning, at a hospital out of my town.... pretty fast track if you ask me... I'm trying not to worry, but its easier said than done. :(

16-04-14, 16:08
Ive got the same problem on one side of my neck I have a lump I have been to countless doctors who have said its a swollen gland, a cyst or they can not feel nothing at all. Im going to a different doctor tomorrow to see what they say, how big is the lump in your neck?

16-04-14, 16:39
Its not a 'lump' per se.. its like a stretched oval type shape not very wide but maybe about 3-4cm in length. All the doctors can feel and see the gland but they couldn't give me a proper diagnosis.... Hopefully its harmless, will soon find out.

16-04-14, 16:47
Is it hard or does it feel like fatty swollen tissue? Ive also got something like this but with lumps as well x

16-04-14, 16:56
Its hard/hard rubbery type, its been there for a month, not decreased or increased in size... I can feel otherlymph nodes aswell towards the back of my neck on the same side.

16-04-14, 17:19
Mines exactly the same I got a large pea size lump in my neck at the top then at the bottom ive got this slug shape thing. The slug as I call it I have spoken to my doc n they said it could be many things but not the c word because its the wrong shape it would feel like broken marbles that grow fast. That's what I keep thinking about. Trying to convince myself otherwise I would go crazy with worry. Saying that im going docs tomorrow n will get them to check again. After this im going to try so hard and believe them, stop poking it 100 times a day. I had a bad experience recently with the doctors within 2 minutes of walking in there I was told it could be cancer and was referred to another doctor. Seen that doctor n he said my neck is completely normal. Ive had lumps for over a year now. X

16-04-14, 17:36
I agree that if it's not growing, that's a good sign.

I had H&N cancer and it started with a swollen gland on the left side of my neck. Over the 6 months from the time I noticed it until I went in for surgery, it went from a little pea to me looking like I had the mumps on the left side of my face.

Cancer is an uncontrolled abnormal growth of cells and doesn't just hang out.

Here's to everything coming out fine!

Positive thoughts

16-04-14, 17:50
Its actually made me feel a little better talking to people going through the same sort of thing, the other symptoms I'm getting are pain in my left arm, which comes and goes, for about a month now.. chest pains which has got worse this week so I'm thinking it might be anxiety, its like everytime I sit up or lie down I feel a tightness in my chest... Weight loss, again this could easily be anxiety as I tend not to eat when I get anxious, and if I do eat, its strictly healthy food, no processed junk..... The fact the doctor has done an urgent referral is slightly worrying me but I will try to stay positive and keep you all updated, thanks for your replies.

Good luck with your scan tomorrow too worryworryworry.. I hope we both get good news and this worrying is all for nothing.

16-04-14, 18:30
Jordan thats what the nurse nearly did to me. She took one look at me and said about cancer and referring me to see a specialist but first made me see a doctor. I went home in a right state but the next day I seen a doctor he basically laughed and said I am fine there is nothing to worry about but because of the most nurses reaction I cant get it out my head. U may just have a over cautious doctor or they ard doing it to put ur mind at rest. Ive registered with a new surgery now cause that nutse scared me so much. Good luck with everything. X

20-04-14, 20:01
Got Any new news yet?

22-04-14, 08:51

22-04-14, 11:45
Hi, a quick update on my situation.... Went to the specialist earlier and he was concerned as he couldn't find a reason for my gland to still be swollen like it is.. he took a long stick thing and put it up my nose and looked at the back of my throat (It felt horrible, lol) he said to me he can't tell if it cancerous or not, so he is booking me an ultrasound for the next week or so, I just have to wait for a letter confirming my appointment.. Also I phoned for my complete blood count results aswell and the women on the phone said 'Normal, no further action'.. which is kind of a good sign so hopefully this ultrasound will be fine aswell

01-05-14, 18:37
any more news

03-05-14, 23:30
Hi, I have an ultrasound on the 16th of this month so wont know any more until then :/