View Full Version : New and fed up!

14-04-14, 12:10
Hi everyone
I've been reading this forum for a long time now and it's really helped me - if only to know I'm not the only one with this incessant worry! You name it and I've worried about it.

I'm really struggling at the minute though, with a bleeding nose. It started about a fortnight ago with blood every time I blow my nose. Always from the right side and never a huge amount (not dripping like a 'nosebleed') but more than enough to notice.

I've been to the GP who though that the right side of my nose is inflamed and has given me a spray to use. The irony of it all is that my other half is also a GP and came to the same conclusion...! Yet still my anxiety is in overdrive.

I'm convinced that because the bleeding is on one side only and still there, it must be cancer. I know it's rare (especially for my age - 29) but Dr Google tells me that persistent bleeding / inflammation on one side needs to be checked out more thoroughly. Of course this means I keep checking to see if it's bleeding, involving tissues to check for blood and to spot where the blood is coming from - obviously not helping things.

Does anyone have any advice? Experiences or reassurance about the bleeding is welcome but also any advice about the anxiety!

14-04-14, 12:24
Hi Roussea!

Firstly, stop digging around in your nose! It's not the case that you might be making it worse: you ARE making it worse!! The inside of your nose is quite delicate and poking it with a tissue all the time is going to make it bleed! Just blow your nose when you need to, not all the time 'to check', and then it should calm down a bit!

Also, welcome to NMP - this site is awesome. People here are so supportive.
