View Full Version : keep having to swallow?

14-04-14, 14:38
I have a symptom which has come along with a load of other symptoms like numb and tingling, stiff jaw and mouth and numbness when eating. This has been continuous for 6 days straight. But these past few days i feel like i have to keep swallowing and that my tongue is too big for my mouth. It is really uncomfortable. Is this a symptom of anxiety or something series or something else? x Thank you x:D

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 14:43
I think it's an anxiety symptom because I've had the same feeling lately like my tongue feels massive in my mouth a nd I keep swallowing because my throat feels goopy or something abd then constantly swallowing I think makes it feel worse. I am starting to be pretty sure the big tongue feeling is anxiety. Also, the stiff jaw and mouth symptom..are you clenching your teeth? Because I have been lately because of my anxiety and as a result my entire bottom jaw hurts. Tingling and numbness is classic anxiety.

14-04-14, 14:49
Thank you for your reply:) i don't clench my teeth or do anything to cause the stiff jaw and mouth. Do you think swallowing all the time can cause the stiff jaw perhaps? Glad it is anxiety. deep down i know it's probably my anxiety but i cant help but worry that it is something serious all the time. It is like it with every symptom i get x

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 15:12
I wouldn't be surprised if swallowing could because you are probably putting pressure in the surrounding area but that's just a guess. Maybe you clench in your sleep a nd don't even realize you do

14-04-14, 22:55
Yeah i might even do it through the day but not notice it. thanks for your reply:)