View Full Version : CBT relapse plan

14-04-14, 18:07
So, some of you may have been following my threads in the depression section of the forum, some may not..

I have been having a pretty major blip recently...probably the worst one since I first got depression/anxiety over 10 years ago. Anyway I'm not going to go into details but my head has been pretty crap.

I had CBT in 2012, and it helped a lot at the time as a lot was going on in my life...when the sessions came to an end, my therapist supported me in writing a relapse plan...to pick up if I ever got back into the cycle. I tried looking at this relapse plan a few weeks ago and to be honest it ended badly as I couldn't channel my thoughts.

Maybe my brain needed a break from trying, because trying does take a lot of effort...but now (for now) I feel like I am ready to tackle this. I did a problem solving exercise...brainstorming the options that I have...and then I did a cost/benefit table for each potential solution to help me decide what I am going to do next...

I have decided that for now, going to the GP isn't the solution...nor is continuing to wallow...so what I have decided to do is work through my cbt for a while again...go back to basics and write things down. Some of these things will sound familiar to you guys as I often preach them as solutions...

My plan includes:
- Making a list of things I need to do - prioritising, and not thinking that I need to get everything done at once
- following my worry tree - if something is dwelling on my mind I shall work through to either solve the issue, or forget about it if there is nothing I can do/
- Positive data log - write a positive statement, write what it means to me, and write what it says about me...I shall be realistic and say to do that at least 3 times a week.
- Use the problem solving tool as and when I come across a problem that needs dealing with
- Get out more, do at least one nice activity with my fiancé / soon to be husband (3 weeks omg) each week
- Keep in touch with my friends more - contact them rather than wait to be contacted.
- And finally - if things are getting too much, or I'm falling back into the cycle...type my thoughts out, and either send them to my close friends, save them for later, or post them on an nmp thread.

So yes, that is a lot to be getting on with...but I think as long as I don't expect miracles, and be realistic that I'm still going to have crap days, that these tools will help me get out of this hole.

As my cbt therapist used to tell me, keep using the tools, and doing nice things and eventually It'll become habit, and then eventually I'll start enjoying things again...

Now I may regret asking this, but here goes...I need support if I'm going to manage this, I need to be gently reminded of the solution tools above on my bad days so that I can move forward...

I have written this in the success stories as to me, what I have done today is a success in itself...especially considering I had given up hope of getting out of this hole. I also want to thank those that have taken the time to read my depressing posts, and especially to those that have replied...you know who you are, and I really am grateful that you have all stuck by me.

14-04-14, 18:20
That sounds like a good plan to me hun and good on you for this all down and coming up with a plan which will get you out of your 'hole'

We will give you the support you need to get through this to follow your plan and you.

and you are right it definitely is a success story that you are planning your way to get out of this because a couple of days ago you couldn't have cared less if you did or not.

Just keep swimming hun and we will be your armbands helping you x

14-04-14, 18:27
Good plan, if you need anything just shout

14-04-14, 18:30
You have no idea how happy I am to read this Jacs - I know how down you have been I am so so so proud of you, you would not believe!

You know where I am, and you know that I will push you forward, even if the pushing is sometimes dragging whilst kicking and screaming, we can get out of this rut, promise xxx

14-04-14, 21:38
Thanks guys, as I suspected the fear is started to set in, but instead of let it eat away at me I'm trying to just "be" for tonight. I don't want to let you guys or myself down by not following through with this plan so lets hope I stay afloat tomorrow.

Love you guys

15-04-14, 18:59
So, I'm not sure how I'm feeling today to be honest, but I shall make the effort and start my positive data log...sooo...

My positive statement : I have stuck by my word and started my positive data log ;)
...what this means - I am doing positive things to aid my recovery
...what this says about me - I am a strong person (30% belief)

This is the only thing I have done from my list, but to be fair I've been at work most of the day so that'll do for now.

Tomorrow may be absent of a statement as on a 13hr shift, but Thursday will hopefully reveal more...

16-04-14, 09:20
A way to knock the idea of making the effort....

I have a full blown flu cold thing, feel like crap, hardly slept and am off work sick....no energy to force the positive thinking today :/

16-04-14, 12:05
Jacasta, congratulations on coming up with what sounds like a great plan. Sorry that you're feeling bad this morning. That sure can take it out of you. why not take five minutes and just write that one positive statement. Take one small victory for yourself today. You can do this.

16-04-14, 12:30
Thanks for the support tanner, but I don't see any positive for today, My thoughts are all messed up again, and I called in sick at work so now I'm just wallowing about being ill

16-04-14, 14:56
Sorry hun I am not in much of a position to help.

You will get there.


17-04-14, 13:18
How're you feeling today? Having the flu is bound to make you feel doubly rubbish. x

17-04-14, 16:36
Hi wabbit, feeling fuzzy headed today to be honest, not really up to much. Thanks for asking though. x

18-04-14, 11:09
So thought I'd do a wee update...

I have had a full on cold for the past few days messing my sleep and mood up...at the time I thought...here we go again, catastrophising thoughts and to be honest, I was using it as an excuse to wallow again, because lets face it....wallowing is easier than picking yourself up!

Today I'm feeling a bit more with it, so I got up early, have chilled for a bit, and then spent some time doing cbt exercises.

My main worry at the moment is that I won't get the house and everything sorted in time for my hen night, wedding, and honeymoon...which is are really not long away at all. So the first task was to follow my worry tree to address my worries

This worry...thankfully I CAN do something about...so I have made a (very long) to do list, and prioritised it... I have scheduled a few things for each day off and in theory things should get done....now according to my worry tree, now I have action planned it I need to let the worry go (that's the hard bit that I'm still working on).

Now its only 11am and half of my scheduled stuff for today is ticked off (go me!)...although I'm doing a night shift tonight so need to schedule a nap at some point (hopefully without a coughing fit) :/

My second cbt task...is my positive data log...

Statement: Created an action plan with realistic day plans to get things done
What this means: - I will get things done in time, I am addressing my worries.
What this says about me: - I am productive in addressing my mental health issues, and my life issues! (40% belief).

I am keeping this thread going because it it a good written record of my moon swings for me to look back on, it keeps my friends on here in the loop of what headspace I'm in before they approach me, and typing it up distracts me from the worry...by reinforcing what I have just done on my exercises.

18-04-14, 12:21
Great job, Jacasta. Really inspiring to read this morning. And a great example of how CBT can help us deal with our irrational thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

21-04-14, 18:29
So I'm back after my weekend of night shifts that I survived!

My positive log for today...I stuck to my action plan from last week and spring cleaned my lounge.
- what this means - Things are on track to being sorted before my guests arrive.
- what this says about me - I am productive (50% belief).

I am a little disappointed though because part of my relapse plan is to do more nice things, especially with my husband to be. Unfortunately due to post night shift tiredness I got up late today therefore started cleaning late, so we weren't able to go to the footie.

Luckily tonight we are having takeout so will spend the night watching telly together on the sofa. Taking time out for nice things really is something I need to work on...so I may (on my next day off) create an action plan to achieve this!

Hope all my lovely friends on nmp are doing things to get out the rutt...seriously, if I can do it and make the effort, then others can too!

21-04-14, 19:08
Excellent stuff, Jac. I am really pleased that you're getting yourself back on track. Just want you need before the wedding. Don't be too downtrodden over the footie, at least you have the evening together, which is much better than nothing.

Just keep swimming!

22-04-14, 21:40
I typed a long rant all about my thoughts on my naff day at work...then I deleted it because I'm too tired to make any sense. I'm writing today off...the only positive is that I can go to bed soon and sleep.

The recovery malarkey sure is up and down...

24-04-14, 10:27
Struggling to use my CBT tools today, I had an anxiety attack (first full blown one for a long time) and now I'm just drained....yes I SHOULD use my worry tree, yes I SHOULD look at my positive data log, yes I SHOULD do a problem solving action plan....but every time I pick up the book I stare at it until I put it down again

24-04-14, 18:05
Have had a naff day, and am still feeling naff HOWEVER, as per positive data log rules, I shall state the positives from my day rather than the mountain of negatives...
Statement - I went out and arranged my flowers for my wedding...
Meaning - Everything is now arranged..
Therefore - I can do this! (30% belief).


I did 2 hours housework in prep for the boiler man...
Which means - my house is tidier...
therefore - I am able to get things done!

I looked back on my original relapse plan at the start of this post as I had been worried that I wasn't doing enough to follow it. I have stuck to the positive data log, and done a worry tree when needed. The negative thinking is still very prominent on my mind right now BUT I remember what my therapist said - keep forcing things until it becomes habit. Doing my cbt work today was incredibly draining as I have spent most of the day wallowing and in bed so I am exhausted...typing those 2 statements above is a big deal today, so I am proud of myself for that.

Here's to an (even more) positive day tomorrow...

24-04-14, 18:21
Your doing good and still being productive jacs don't beat yourself because do didn't do as much as you hoped.

Keep on trying to push yourself forward you can do it.

24-04-14, 19:30
Well done jacster, keep it up! :)

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

I'm waiting for CBT,so you're helping me see what it entails,thanks
What's a worry tree? :)

24-04-14, 20:12
its like a flow chart to follow through if you are worrying about something...it basically gets you to do something about the worry to resolve it if possible, and if nothing can be done then tells you to let it go

24-04-14, 23:14

25-04-14, 07:58
Sooooooo proud of you hun.

Keep going through the motions its all you can do. You never know you might end up turning a corner without realising that it is happening.

tc xxx

25-04-14, 15:39
Hi all, I'm hoping some people have been following this thread as I've hit a wall today and need some help....

When I had cbt the first time, my main issue was winding myself up - therefore more anxiety related than depression.,.. unfortunately for me this time round its depression that is beating me...I have been following my relapse plan, doing my positive log...today however I find myself in deep depression, with many tears and zero energy to do anything.

I've done my best, I've got my cbt book out and I've tried a problem solving exercise on how to tackle things on these days...but to be honest I don't know what I can do?

I you lovely people could suggest some ideas I would really appreciate it as I could play them through my problem solver and hopefully avoid a lo0ng run of deep depression days in the future...many thanks in advance.


25-04-14, 15:44
Right here goes, bear with me here Jac.

I see so much of me in you and that is scary lol.

I don't know what the answers are but just implore you to try and find them.

I hate to think of you being in my position in 20 years time, you have your full life ahead of you, a great career, a partner (soon to be hubby), plans to have children etc etc. Fulfill all of these and don't end up sitting looking back on a life that is lacking in purpose.

Love you always

25-04-14, 19:43
Despite being in deep depression today I have still managed to find some positives...

- I did all the housework I set out to do...
meaning - The house is vaguely presentable for my sister visiting
therefore - I am a good housewife! (2% belief)

I do still need to problem solve this deep depression get out though so if anyone has any suggestions as to how to pull myself up and motivate myself when really down please let me know

27-04-14, 10:29
Positive outlook on last night....I survived my hen do!

02-05-14, 08:25
Hi Honey

Just a quick note to say how proud I am off you and how you have been dealing with everything that is going on.

I want to wish you all the best for the next few days and of course for your wedding.

Phone or text me anytime you need but I know that you are going to be fine.

Try not to get too stressed and don't let negative thoughts take over.

You have put so much work into the wedding and it will be great.

I will be thinking of you this weekend.

Elen xxx