View Full Version : MS scare stil, i feeel like im loosing control of myself please i have some questions

14-04-14, 20:55
sorry for the long post

well I was dealing with a bout of ms scare wich seemed to get better but of course I felt another symptom and now I am freaking out. I just have a couple questions. please if you have time to answer I would really appreciate it anyone out there who might know.

first I get reacurring shingles.. my dr said they shouldn't reoccur but h said my description is what it sounds like... sometimes I get the pain that comes on before but I never get the actual rash. very ensative skin almost sunburn and then 1 or two red painful bumos form and then go away. does this sound like shingles to anyone?? well my question is can shingles cause ms?? I know it might sound crazy but I read an article on it wich I admit was kind of far fetched but still kinda tripped me out.

another question I have is that I was feeling miiiinor tingling on my left foot for a couple days that started on my toe then it would go away, then on my calf for a few seconds, then go away ... so on. someone told me this could be anxiety related but as always I get kinda scepticle because everything I have is always supposedly anxiety. so my question is does ms pain happen like that??? and also I feel like my leg is tired, it feels like when you take a long car ride and u get up and have to stretch it... like that I am FREAKING out now because I was so happy to get over this and now im on it agin. PLEASE HELP with any info

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

Forgot to add.. can anxiety cause the tiredness and leg symptoms im feeling or can sitting for a long time cause this... I ja e a job were I am sitting alot compared to my last job

14-04-14, 21:03
Can anxiety cause all of these symptoms? Absolutely, in fact tingling in the feet/hands is VERY common. Especially given it comes and goes it's unlikely to be caused by some horrid neurological disease.

The sunburn sensations are again very common, I get there a lot.

With respect to the red painful bumps that form and go away, how quickly do they form and disappear?

15-04-14, 14:37
After i feel thT tingly burning feeling...They come and go mmmmm i would say all together like a week and change?.. give or tKe especially whe i take the meds for it (acyclovir). And its sensative to the ouch then that feeling goes and its all gone.

So you think that the tingly could be caused by that then huh? Ye its def not constant its co.ing and going but heres another thing.....

I feel it the tingling on my left foot only BUT i feel it when i am in certain positions more. For example like when im sitting i feel it more or when i bend my knees. Is this a good or bad indication?? Does that mean its nuero or motr along the not nuero side?? Lmao

My buttocks also feels soar and a little pain on the same side of my bad but only when i press on it. .... but like i said the leg feels a lil blah... what do you think

---------- Post added at 13:04 ---------- Previous post was at 13:02 ----------

And by blah i mean like i need to syretch it... like last night i strtched my but muscle and i almost felt a little tingle ... but sometines it comes bye itself like on my calf or achillies but then goes away very quick. And when i squeeze my calf i sometimes feel the tingle.... ugh iono im going nutts lol

---------- Post added at 13:08 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Also to add ... my foot kkinda hurts a littl witchj im sure is axiety i can baaaaaarley feel it on a specific spic on my hand like the size of a nickel... i almost didnt metion because its so insegnifagent but hell why not.... im sorry if my worries are riducu6 andd my questions are crazy... but ti be honest i cant tell the diff anymore.

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------

Last thing... i know im sorry... the most bothersome of me leg is my shin area it feels tired like