View Full Version : Fear of flying/claustrophobia/fear of being sick: a positive story!

14-04-14, 20:47
Hi all, it's been a wee while since I posted last. My general anxiety has been pretty much staying at bay (you know, there all the time, but very much liveable most of the time with distraction and meditation). Anyway, my parents in law booked the whole family for a weekend away to south sea for the weekend, flying down of course. This was my twin girls first flight, and I hadn't flown for four years. I have avoided it at all costs as it epitomises three of my greatest fears. Anyway, as the weekend finally approached I knew I had to go through with it. I needed to set an example for my two girls, as I don't want them to be the way I am. I went to visit my gp who was kind enough to prescribe me 2mg diazepam for the anxiety edge and I asked for stemitil for the sickness/queasy feeling. I took 2x2mg 30 min before the plane journey and took a stemitil once I was on the plane. I don't know if either had any impact (as I was used to 2 x 1mg lorazepam at one point), but the point is, I did it!! I don't feel any less pleased even though I did use medication, that's what it is there for. I am chuffed with myself, as I am a lady who can't even go up one flight of stairs most days due to my fear of being off the ground!! Made the flight back today too. Can't say I not glad to be home, but I am equally glad I did it. There is hope out for all who are determined to beat this!!

Sorry for the novel, just had to post some positivity!!


14-04-14, 21:59
Hey pam.... I love your post. It's brilliant and so r u.
Your fears mirror some of mine and I have managed to fly as well.
Did u feel elated after landing? I find myself feeling chuffed every time I manage a flight no matter how long or short. Thank u for sharing, post was a pleasure to read.

20-04-14, 11:25
Really impressed Pam, you coped with situation involving not just one phobia, but three! That's a bit beyond me at the moment, but your story gives me hope for the future. Did you find preparing for it helped?

20-04-14, 13:19
Great job on overcoming one of your biggest fears, Pam. Thanks for sharing your success story with us.

18-11-15, 23:50
I'm so happy for you!! I share your EXACT same fears and unfortunately I'm still not able to fly! I hope to overcome my fears one day too! Congratulations!