View Full Version : Losing my mind. Help me, please?

15-04-14, 01:54
Hello, friends! I'm new to this website. My name is Jesse, and I'm 19 years old. For the longest time now, I've been experiencing panic attacks almost daily. These panic attacks have been so severe I'm left with chest pain/tightness for 2-3 days at a time, and I'm never in a good mood. Everything has gotten so bad that I'll even start to panic after eating a meal. Due to this problem, I don't want to eat in fear I'll panic again. While I'm laying in bed, I will also begin to panic. These attacks make me jump up from under the covers and want to scream because I'm so terrified, they throw me into a gagging fit as well and leave my legs extremely weak. This has been going on for months, even years I would assume. I am not in good health, I can assure you. I am extremely overweight, and I'm not really in a safe area. My home, this tiny apartment that we've lived in for 15 years is torn apart, and it brings my mood down even more. I was sick of the panic and took myself to the doctor earlier today. They had taken my pulse and said it was "irregular" and my family has a series of heart problems/diseases. My blood pressure was also a "normal-high". I have an appointment with a heart specialist next Thursday to see what he has to say. After explaining everything to my doctor, he said that I might have something called "reactive hypoglycemia". He mentioned I needed to keep an eye on my blood sugar. When I had gotten home, I hadn't eaten anything and my blood sugar was 78. I had eaten a breakfast bowl because I was extremely hungry, and my blood sugar plummeted to a 63 before it shot back up into the 80's. He gave me 1 MG Xanax just to take the edge off if my panics are unbearable. I looked up reactive hypoglycemia and everything matched my problem, except I experience panic and depression on a 24/7 basis. Does reactive hypoglycemia only occur when you eat, or does the panic/anxiety stay on a daily basis?

15-04-14, 03:00
hi jesse welcome hope you get some answers soon, in the meantime this forum is a fantastic place to be xx

19-04-14, 14:58
78 or 7.8? The latter is very high. Your weight has a BIG bearing on diabetes, has that been ruled out?

I think number 1 is that people judge others by weight, it's a staple for the comedy circuit and the Simpsons is a prime offender. Is there 1 really GOOD guy who is husky (apart from Homer who is a baffoon)? Why do they do it? It's legal and now colour, faith & sexuality are verboten, it's the last group they can safely be as nasty to as possible.

I'm sure that in time they will be stopped but people seem to need someone to look down on. I like Kim Dotcom. Large chap, plays the edge of legality but doesn't give a toss about insults. His attitude is 'An insult only stings if you respect the person giving it'.

But seriously, I worry about your weight and hope you can find a way to remedy it. Diabetes is a REALLY nasty illness and WILL kill you... slowly.

I recommend you find 'Jo Brand' on Youtube. Top 0.1% IQ of people, lovely person and a Zaftig lady.

Oh, and remember your flood and famine resistant. I get cripple & weirdo jokes but I'm pretty good at fielding them. I find making the NASTIEST joke you can think of about yourself and using it before they can speak. Then, if the person insulting you doesn't have as good a joke.... they look quite the fool. To paraphrase Churchill

Heckler - 'Winston, your so fat'
Churchill - 'yes, but I can lose weight - you cannot get any more brains'

Sorry for long post. Free to PM 24/7